More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 14, 00:25:33

Title: Another SimPE Question
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 14, 00:25:33
I know I should probably ask these types of questions at SimPE or MTS2, but I'm more likely to get an answer here, and frankly I trust MATY a lot more. Is there a way to add/remove things from a sim's inventory via SimPE? I ask because I'm having YET MORE problems with restocking crafted items. Weird things like invisible cheesecakes are appearing in my sims' inventories when they try to stock crafted items, whilst the items that they've made via the crafting stations are disappearing, much to my chagrin. Attempting to delete the weird invisible-cheesecake-type items in-game causes a crash to desktop. I've already decided to stop making/selling/stocking crafted items, but in the meantime I need to get rid of the erroneous objects from inventory. Can this be done? If it can, I'm sure it will be ridiculously easy, like fixing my last problem was; however, I've tried everything I can think of to no avail. Help please?

Title: Re: Another SimPE Question
Post by: Hegelian on 2007 June 14, 04:36:24
In SimPE, inventory items appear as memory tokens. They are displayed in green text.

If you break your game by deleting these tokens, don't blame me.   ::)

Title: Re: Another SimPE Question
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 14, 04:41:47
Well, I've recently backed up my 'hood, so I'm not too worried. The worst that will happen is I bork my game and have to restore from the backup. Thanks, H.

Edited to remove edit from this post to a new one. :P

Title: Re: Another SimPE Question
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 14, 04:42:55
The SimPE memory editor sucks ballsacks as of the .6-on series, possibly earlier, because it is no longer capable of allowing you to identify or edit tokens belonging to unidentified GUIDs. It will just unhelpfully print a ---, without bothering to tell you what the GUID is or offer the option to change it, unlike older editors. It is stupid and it sucks.

Title: Re: Another SimPE Question
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 14, 04:53:01
Not surprisingly, the invisible cheesecake that does not belong in inventory does not show up as a token, or anywhere in SimPE, so I guess nothing can be done about it. Has anybody made any sort of viable fix for the problem of improperly stocked craftable items? Numenor and others made early fixes that were supposedly rendered obsolete by patches, but I've had the same stupid problems since first installing OFB, with and without fixes and patches. All I can say is: WTF?

Title: Re: Another SimPE Question
Post by: Hegelian on 2007 June 14, 17:30:15
Can you place these invisible items in the game world (like on a table)?

Title: Re: Another SimPE Question
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 16, 15:07:48
No. I've already had the thought of clearing them with the stuck objects remover (placing the SOR with the game paused, and then placing the inappropriately inventoried object on the same square using moveObjects on). Alas, simply clicking on the object(s) whilst in inventory causes a crash to desktop. Other things I've found in business owners' inventories include: those little blue skilling plumbobs, something called 'rolling eyeball movement,' and a wall-lamp from the other side of the lot, two stories up. These are only a few examples. Most things can be moved or deleted from within inventory, but not the invisible cheesecake (the tooltip reads 'Cheesecake' when I mouse over what appears to be a blank slot in the sims' inventory). That causes an immediate game-crash just by clicking on it. Grrrr.

Title: Re: Another SimPE Question
Post by: Hegelian on 2007 June 16, 18:17:39
Is this in just one lot or all lots? Sounds like something is buggered and needs to be deleted (lot or neighborhood). You've tried running with no hacks installed? Also, you've not messed around in the core game files, right?

Title: Re: Another SimPE Question
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 16, 19:09:34
This time around, it's only Florence Delarosa, but the same things have happened with other sims on other lots (one lot for sure was buggy, though it worked fine after moving the family out and back in, though the stocking of crafted items still went haywire). These things have happened both with and without hacks installed, with and without CC objects on the lots, and it's only the crafted items that ever cause problems. My retail (selling stuff from Buy catalogue only) and service-oriented businesses do just fine, with little to no strange restocking issues, and certainly no invisible cheesecake.

ETA: I have not messed with core game files except to change lighting (I use Spookymuffin's variation of GunMod's radiance lighting system). This is a brand-new merged 'hood made from clean and mostly empty templates. It contains only Maxis playables, and came directly from Peasantry here. I've only been playing it for about a sim-week. The same problems have occurred in other 'hoods, in the past, and ceased once I gave up on selling crafted items.