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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: AxelValentine on 2007 June 12, 21:45:59

Title: No School and Disappearing Wants
Post by: AxelValentine on 2007 June 12, 21:45:59
I just recently downloaded the NoTelepathy and School Bus - Bring Friend Dialogue hacks for two computers and both are experiencing the same problem - None of the school-aged children will go to school.  Neither the teens nor the kids.

Then, on just one I also downloaded No Meeting Professors and Self Exploding Bottles.  Now, on that computer Wants are disappearing.  The sim who is first selected when a house loads up loses all wants and fears not locked.  Then nothing can bring them back and if the locked want is unlocked then re-rolled it disapears as well.

Any ideas?

Title: Re: No School and Disappearing Wants
Post by: kuronue on 2007 June 12, 22:00:54
typically with vanishing wants, Pes will ask if there is any text when you hover over the blank spot, indicating they have a want but no icon, or if it's truly a blank non-want. You might want to go check on that while you're waiting for someone more awesome than me to come along

Title: Re: No School and Disappearing Wants
Post by: AxelValentine on 2007 June 12, 22:28:57
Thanks for that.
OK, here's the newest information.
The first two times the wants disappeared were in the college town (a custom one) and I had one sim lose all but one want and one fear.  The other sim lost everything except the locked want, which went away when I unlocked it and re-rolled his wants.

In the regular town (also custom) there was one family where no wants or fears were lost, and another in which I only lost two wants.

If it helps to know I'm on a Mac, then there it is.

EDIT: I haven't done anything different to my download folder, but my teens just went to school.  We think we figured it out on the other computer but we're not sure.

My girl in town who lost her wants got them back too.  All that's left is to try the college again.

And yes, the wants are completely gone, not invisible.