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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: nikita on 2007 June 12, 18:43:49

Title: Earring weirdness
Post by: nikita on 2007 June 12, 18:43:49
Ever since Pets, whenever I go back into a previously played household, all the earrings and necklaces flash blue.  If I send them to the mirror to change appearance, it goes back to normal but as soon as I exit the lot and come back again or sometimes go to a community lot and return, it flashes blue again.  It doesn't happen with all jewelry and hats don't seem to be affected (I only have the club hat from MTS2 and Peggys from her site).  I thought it was Dr. Pixel's alpha (as most earrings I have use it) that was causing the problem at first so I checked to see if there were any updates or problems with it, redownloaded it, still the same issues.

Anyone else have similar problems or know what I'm talking about?

Title: Re: Earring weirdness
Post by: Arina on 2007 June 12, 18:46:22
I'm pretty sure it's been brought up a lot here. I used to have that problem with Pets - I don't know if it was installing Seasons or just using less cc that cleared it up. I've only had it happen once since Seasons and I'm pretty sure I made that guy before I actually installed it.

Title: Re: Earring weirdness
Post by: nikita on 2007 June 12, 18:57:30
Hmm, okay, I did a search and found a relatively long thread on it with no results.  I have Seasons and the problem hasn't not gotten any worse or better and I've pretty much done everything that everyone else on that thread did.

I guess I'll just go through my downloads and delete the offending parties.

Title: Re: Earring weirdness
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 June 12, 21:40:44
Nikita, are you patched? Make sure you've applied Pets patch #2 (Seasons did not include as it came out afterwards) and Seasons patch #1&#2. I used to have regular issues with the flashing blueness (and on a hat as well). However, I believe Seasons patch #1 fixed it.

Title: Re: Earring weirdness
Post by: Tyraa Rane on 2007 June 12, 22:43:14
However, I believe Seasons patch #1 fixed it.

No it didn't. I've got Seasons P1 and one of my sets of earrings is still flashing blue. The other few that I have, however, seem to be fine for whatever reason.

Title: Re: Earring weirdness
Post by: Zeljka on 2007 June 12, 23:31:20
I first had that problem with glasses after installing University, the funny thing is that they were regular Maxis glasses... (didn't have custom glasses or earrings at the time)
They kept up their blue flashing and other odd behaviour (she'd sit on the toilet, her glasses hovered above in wait for her to stand back up into them...) and as I rarely played that lot, I decided to just leave them on her for giggles.  I haven't seen her in a while so I'm not sure the problem ever did go away.

Title: Re: Earring weirdness
Post by: nikita on 2007 June 13, 02:00:11
I'm fully patched for Pets and, as of right now as my game is loading, Seasons. 

I've tried looking for patterns and isolating which meshes were affected but it seems totally random.  Just general bonkery all around with accessories though I've only had this problem with earrings and necklaces, never with glasses, veils, hats or the etc. other accessories I have downloaded.  I really should delete those halos.  I never use them and I'm not even sure why I got them in the first place... ???

Title: Re: Earring weirdness
Post by: Gwill on 2007 June 13, 10:53:52,7819.0.html
The problem persists even when I uninstalled pets, and Seasons Patch 1 did absolutly nothing.

After a complete re-install, a completely fresh neigbourhood, and very careful use of accessories, I haven't seen the problem much.  Pescado said something about it being contagious, which made me really paranoid, so once I see flashing, I remove that accessory.