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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Jenchipper on 2007 June 11, 17:34:57

Title: Neighborhood deletion
Post by: Jenchipper on 2007 June 11, 17:34:57
Ok, I screwed up.  I wanted to reset Veronaville and spawn new NPC's and townies with new skins/eyes/names, etc.  I had a couple good tutorials I was following, both from MATY.

I won't go into the gory details, but through my own stupidity I deleted the Veronaville neighborhood on my D drive instead of in My Documents.  I uninstalled and reinstalled Pets to try and get it back but it's still gone.  Do I have to uninstall the whole game and start completely over from scratch to get it back?

Title: Re: Neighborhood deletion
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 11, 18:24:05
Nawp. Just copy <ORIGINAL TS2 INSTALL DIRECTORY>\TSData\Res\UserData\NEIGHB~1\N003 into your MYDOCU~1\EAGAME~1\THESIM~1\NEIGHB~1 directory.

Title: Re: Neighborhood deletion
Post by: Jenchipper on 2007 June 11, 20:53:34
I deleted the neighborhood from my hard drive, not My Documents folder.

Title: Re: Neighborhood deletion
Post by: Hegelian on 2007 June 11, 21:05:31
It's in the file on Disk 4 of the base game installation set, in TSData/Res/UserData/Neighborhoods.

Title: Re: Neighborhood deletion
Post by: Jenchipper on 2007 June 11, 21:13:13
Thank you so much!  I was sure I'd have to uninstal and start over, you've saved me a massive headache.  :)