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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: RatedARRRR on 2007 June 11, 02:33:49

Title: Installed Celebrations; Names of CAS sims changed...?!!
Post by: RatedARRRR on 2007 June 11, 02:33:49
I got a, ahem, free version of the Celebrations SP (I am SO GLAD I didn't pay $20 for that, by the way.) and after I installed it and entered my hood, I noticed that all the sims I had previously created in CAS had new names, first and last. In a couple cases, they weren't even the right gender. For example, a male sim named Edge Copeland became Gretchen and a female named Erin Flay became Cristopher. Everyone's born-in-game children and grandchildren had their original and correct names. I also notced after I installed that my in-game clock had switched to 24-hour time.

Obviously this isn't a big deal, since it's pretty easily fixed with SimPE and doesn't really impact my gameplay but I was just wondering if anyone had any idea why this might have happened. Is it possible that maybe the version I got was European? I only mention that as a possibility because I noticed that the language list at install contained a large list of European languages, and my (paid for) EPs and base game had a significantly shorter list. I don't know why this would have caused what it did though.

Title: Re: Installed Celebrations; Names of CAS sims changed...?!!
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 June 11, 03:06:40
There's a topic about this somewhere around here. Search for phrases like "names changed," and so on. It was pretty recent.

Anyway, unless you made a backup of your neighborhood before installing, all you can do now is fix the mess using SimPE or hacks (lot debugger lets you change last names as well as first).

You will need to go into your computer's registry to change the language from UK to US (because that's what's causing the problem). Otherwise you will have the annoying name glitch, plus a 24 hour clock, and possibly other glitches. The thread I mentioned, explains how to change it, I think.

Title: Re: Installed Celebrations; Names of CAS sims changed...?!!
Post by: RatedARRRR on 2007 June 11, 03:20:15
Eep! I thought I'd looked thoroughly enough, oops! This is still helpful, though, thank you! So far I haven't noticed anything besides the clock and the names, but if anything else comes up I don't mind doing a total reinstall. I've been meaning to for a while.

Title: Re: Installed Celebrations; Names of CAS sims changed...?!!
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 June 11, 03:28:51
Here's one of the threads. There was another one, too.,7793.0.html,8116.0.html

Here's a few about changing language.,7521.0.html,7605.0.html

Title: Re: Installed Celebrations; Names of CAS sims changed...?!!
Post by: RatedARRRR on 2007 June 11, 04:16:47
Oh, fantastic! Thanks again!