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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: FuzzyLove on 2007 June 10, 18:15:46

Title: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: FuzzyLove on 2007 June 10, 18:15:46
Ok so lets say I'm playing a family in Pleasantview.  And I'm getting extremely sick of Meadow Thayer, Orlando Centowski, Melissa Fancey, and all those other townie people that randomly walk through the neighborhood.  If I was to start moving them in to families so that they aren't really "townies" anymore, would the game automatically create fresh new townies that I've never met before? ???

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2007 June 10, 18:27:45
Yes providing you don't have notownieregen in your downloads.

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: seelindarun on 2007 June 10, 22:14:48
And don't forget to re-randomise the sim generator, or your new townies may suffer from firstborn syndrome.  From one who has learned from experience...  ::)

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: FuzzyLove on 2007 June 10, 23:20:41
oooh awesome!!  so if I move out (or kill)  one adult male townie, a new adult male would be generated with a whole new name and everything?!   I wonder why I've never seen that before, I've done it at least twice and never seen any new people...

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 June 11, 00:36:57
A new townie will only be generated if the total number of townies falls below a certain amount.

The new townie will be of random age (child-elder, though usually it will be teen-elder), random sex, random skin/eye/hair color/cliothes, and random combo of first and last name. It will NOT be the same type of townie that you just killed or moved in.

Use the NPC Tree if you want control over what townies you get, or create sims in CAS and make them into townies using the Teleporter Shrub. You'll want to install notownieregen so the game doesn't beat you to it.

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: SimsDiva on 2007 June 11, 00:38:11
And don't forget to re-randomise the sim generator, or your new townies may suffer from firstborn syndrome.  From one who has learned from experience...  ::)

What is "firstborn syndrome"?  I've never come across that phrase before.

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: FuzzyLove on 2007 June 11, 02:53:45
thanks for clearing that up for me saramk.  I'm off to try and get new interesting townies, yay!!  haha.  I assume the new townie(s) will also have a random job as well as a random appearance and name?

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 June 11, 03:02:46
thanks for clearing that up for me saramk.  I'm off to try and get new interesting townies, yay!!  haha.  I assume the new townie(s) will also have a random job as well as a random appearance and name?

Yes, as well as random interests, turn ons/off, personality, and so on.

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 11, 03:41:23
Well, actually, the townie won't have a random personality, usually. Due to the Firstborn Effect, basically 90% of generated townies will be Aries, as they will likely generate before you're aware that you need to rerandomize, and by then it's too late.

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: Invisigoth on 2007 June 11, 04:58:37
I was so sick of my billions of ugly, horrible, annoying townies, so I used Jordi's unbelievably amazing tutorial:

It should link you to all of the necessary info as you read through it, but if you still need some help PM me, I didn't do this too long ago so it's all still pretty fresh in my mind.  There's a link in there to clean templates for Maxis created 'hoods including Pleasantview, so you can keep the buildings but be rid of the icky townies.  I also highly recommend picking out a new set of face templates (it will tell you how to do that in Jordi's tutorial as well), and of course put in the new templates BEFORE you spawn new townies or they won't use the new templates.  I ended up with 44 total NPCs in my base 'hood, which is a pretty big drop from the 300 I was sporting before.  When you put in subhoods that number will rise. 
With the new faces they're all normal looking enough to be potential mates for my playables!  Others have already mentioned rerandomizing before spawning new townies, and that applies to this method as well.  I wound up with townies that were all significantly different from the ones I was used to playing with (no more ugly guys named Goopy wearing kilts!)

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: Emma on 2007 June 11, 08:22:39
(no more ugly guys named Goopy wearing kilts!)


My neighbourhoods are Goopy-free too :D

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 June 11, 15:13:32
My Riverblossom has four Goopies. They live in a commune. Perhaps I should have Sim Emma come and join them in a love tri-uh-pentagon.

The neighborhood I actually play (Urban Paradise/Downtown Craziness/University Land) is 100% custom, so no Goopiness.

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 11, 19:04:05
My neighbourhoods are Goopy-free too :D
But then where would Sim-Emmas find twoo luv?

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: Emma on 2007 June 11, 22:17:22
/me moons Zazazu and Pescado

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: FuzzyLove on 2007 June 12, 02:05:58
ok.  so i moved like 20 common townies into one lot. 
Is it just me or are the townies in two "groups"?  like there is benjamin long, meadow thayer, andrea hogan, and those other people.  they always walk by the houses and stuff just randomly and can come home from work with my sims.  Then there is the second group that it seems you only run into if you go downtown.  and my computer SUCKS really bad so it takes me like hours (real life hours) to get a sim to go downtown just to meet a few new people and come home.  sooo i guess my question is, if i move all the common neighborhood townies into one lot, will the game re-generate more COMMON ones or will it generate more people i can only find downtown?

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: Solowren on 2007 June 12, 02:14:42
There are "Downtownies" and regular "Townies", as well as "Dormies", so yeah, you're right about the multiple groups part.

As per your question, if you removed your regular Townies from the Townie pool (moved them into a lot), your game would create more regular Townies. New Downtownies will only be created if you remove Downtownies from the Downtownie pool. :)

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: FuzzyLove on 2007 June 12, 02:57:46
ok good.  thats a relief!  (haha "downtownies"  what a great word) ;D ;D

Title: Re: If I were to kill all the townies...
Post by: Gwill on 2007 June 12, 07:52:21
Dormies are not a separate group, they belong to the townie family.
There is "Townies", "Downtownies", "Service NPCs" and if you have seasons, the Garden Club is a group of their own.  With Pets there are also three familes of pets; "pet adoption pool", "strays" and "shop display pets".