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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Magicmoon on 2007 June 10, 03:24:22

Title: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: Magicmoon on 2007 June 10, 03:24:22
I'm having a problem with about half of my Sims sporting the wrong hairstyle from the moment they start showing in their pregnancy until they give birth. Their thumbnail retains the correct hairstyle, however.

All of my custom hairstyles have already been binned and familied. Nothing remains in the custom area except what Maxis placed there. When the Sim starts showing, they will be showing a Maxis hairstyle instead of the one they were given. If I take them to a mirror, the hairstyle that I want is already showing, so it's not like I can change the style back to the one I want.

To make matters more confusing, it isn't happening to all of my Sims. Some of them wear their assigned style during pregnancy just fine. Also, these are styles that I have had in my game for awhile and worked fine during pregnancies previous to installing Seasons. Plus, it isn't even the same hairstyle that they get changed to during their pregnancies. So far every pregnant Sim has changed to a different hairstyle than their neighbor.

The very moment they give birth and revert out of their maternity clothes, their regular hairstyle returns. In the case of multiple births, the change happens after giving birth to the first baby.

I have not assigned different hairstyles to different dress types (a fancier hair for formal, for example). I just use the same style for all their clothes.

My daughter has told me that in her game, the hairstyle doesn't always change to a Maxis style, but sometimes to other custom styles that are binned.

Has anyone else noticed this? Anyone know what causes it, and more importantly, how to fix it?

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: vilia on 2007 June 10, 03:48:36
Yes this happens to me but with no real rhyme or reason. It seems to default to the next Maxis hair in the list after their hair.

Sorry, no idea what causes it or how to fix it.

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 June 10, 03:51:08
It's happened to me once, with Cleo Shikibu in Riverblossom Hills.

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 10, 04:06:48
This is a known reported issue, but we have not been able to precisely identify it. Investigations remain ongoing.

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: Ness on 2007 June 10, 07:08:34
I've a sneaking suspicion it's coming from the set hair style per outfit thingy, even though I'm not actually using it...  you can switch the hair back - I usually select another, then go back to the one I want, and it's then fixed for that sim for all subsequent pregnancies.

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: pioupiou on 2007 June 10, 07:34:25
I had the same problem and found a way to correct it. I don't really know how that works, but in my game it works fine. I compared files that work fine with pregnancy and those that reversed to maxis hair. I found out that those working show "27F" in the line category of the elder property set, the one not working showing "37F" (like for the other ages) . So I change that (in the elder property set) and the hairs start working fine with pregnant sims.
I don't know why changing something ine the elder property set corrects a pregnant sim problem, but at least in my game, it works fine....
Hope this helps you,

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 10, 08:29:16
I've found an alternate solution and probably root cause: That if you open the afflicted sim's 3IDR, you will find that one of the entry points to some freaky hair, like, say, the Dreadlocks, and if you replace that line with the entry for the sim's CORRECT hair, they will now use that hair correctly.

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: Ness on 2007 June 10, 10:09:01
Could this be somehow related to my issue with sims reverting to the custom bin on aging to elder?

And is there a simple way to fix it and prevent it happening again?

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 10, 11:35:54
Could this be somehow related to my issue with sims reverting to the custom bin on aging to elder?
I have no idea what you're trying to say.

And is there a simple way to fix it and prevent it happening again?
Fix it? Well, yes, but it's not presently simple and requires SimPE hacking. Prevent it from happening again? Seems to be a rooted engine thing at present. Investigations remain ongoing

And death to all hairy bellied Nesses (;u=295). Have you seen the antics of Sim-Ness in Awesomeland? You need to, like, choose who will be your Mr. Ness. Or submit your own Mr. Ness. Then we can proceed to the rent-a-Lythdan.

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: pioupiou on 2007 June 10, 11:50:40
Since I change the category on the elder property set on my custom hairs (binned), I do not have the problem with pregnant sims. Period.
 Ness : I have the same problem with aging sims, but the bin says custom, whereas the hair is in fact grey (and binned as such).... It does not bother me too much, as I use the clothing tool at each and every age transition...
I have another problem with hair since seasons : no hair seems to trigger the custom hair turn on anymore : I tested it with a male sim attracted to custom hair and repulsed by black hair. I had his wife asked him "do you like what you see" with various hairs and never have the yeah move with the custom hair turn on image in a speach bubble, like it used to be. In fact sometimes he did the bleurk move, with the red-crossed black hair turn off image.....
I tryed again changing his turn ons and offs to like blond hair dislike grey, and had the proper reaction as expected according to the wife hair color....
When testing custom hair for this purpose, I used custom hair binned as custom (06) and maxis' custom hair... Not a single one worked as intended.
Any one else has this problem ??

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: Ness on 2007 June 10, 12:58:57
What are my options, Pescado?  I'll stop by and check them out some time...

As for the custom hair thing...  sim with regular hair colours ages to elder.  At the change appearance screen, the hair bin will be open to the custom bin instead of the grey bin.  If there's a custom version of the hair the sim will have that instead of the intended grey.  I have to fix it for every single sim.

I suddenly can't recall if this is happening for maxis hairs or not, but I suspect it is.

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: Kyna on 2007 June 10, 13:02:18
It is happening for Maxis hairs in my game.  I have very few downloaded hairs, and most of my sims have Maxis hair.  As you said Ness, "at the change appearance screen, the hair bin will be open to the custom bin instead of the grey bin," even though they are correctly wearing the appropriate grey hair.

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 June 10, 13:13:05
I have had a lot of pregnant sims since installing Seasons and I haven't had this problem.

Most of my sims have maxis/ea hair now since I have gotten rid of most of the custom hair I had but even the few custom hairs I've used were fine. 

I have only had 1 female turn elder since installing Seasons (and she died minutes later) so I have no clue about that hair issue.

Title: Re: Pregnant Sims Wearing Wrong Hair in Seasons
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 10, 13:35:52
I have had a lot of pregnant sims since installing Seasons and I haven't had this problem.

Most of my sims have maxis/ea hair now since I have gotten rid of most of the custom hair I had but even the few custom hairs I've used were fine.
I've seen this happen even with EAxis hairs.