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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 10, 02:16:06

Title: Correcting/Creating Sibling Relations in SimPE -- Possible?
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 10, 02:16:06
This is why I should never set up new 'hoods when I'm tired: I created a couple of sims in CAS, but forgot to make them siblings, as planned, and now they are attracted to each other (ewwww). I've been reading tutorials and futzing with SimPE for days, to no avail. As far as I can tell, it's easy to set sims as parents/children of one another, but there seems to be no way to set them as siblings. Am I just blind, or is there really no way to make siblings using SimPE? I would like to fix this without completely deleting these sims, and all that such a thing would entail (removing dangling SWAFs, relationships, etc). Does anybody know how I can correct this (admittedly stupid) situation?

*NVA bats eyelashes as though that might actually work

Title: Re: Correcting/Creating Sibling Relations in SimPE -- Possible?
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 June 10, 02:34:48
Though this information is quite useless, I do remember talking with Eric at InSim saying something about the sibling relations being much more complex than the other familial relations. I don't think he ever figured out to do it, but I haven't touched the InSIMenator in ages.

Title: Re: Correcting/Creating Sibling Relations in SimPE -- Possible?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 June 10, 02:52:12
Yes, you can make them siblings in SimPe, and it's rather easy.  You just have to open the Sim Relations panel, find the sims, and when you do, highlight the other intended sibling. Then just look to the right, and you'll see a drop-down list of relationships -- choose sibling, and save that sim. 

Then just go and do the same for the other sibling, and you're done.  Or, if you have the insimenator, there is a relationship adjuster on it that will also do the same thing.

Title: Re: Correcting/Creating Sibling Relations in SimPE -- Possible?
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 June 10, 03:27:08
Well, that was easy. Naturally, I'd tried everything BUT the Sim Relations route. ::)

*NVA feels silly but appreciates the help

Title: Re: Correcting/Creating Sibling Relations in SimPE -- Possible?
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 June 10, 03:49:55
You have to fix them in the Family Ties panel as well or else they don't show on the family tree.  (So to recap, you fix in two places -- Sim Relations and Family Ties).

Title: Re: Correcting/Creating Sibling Relations in SimPE -- Possible?
Post by: Quinctia on 2007 June 10, 04:23:32
I don't think the InSiminator does sibling relationships (at least it didn't as of the version I've used in my game).  I've gotten around that when I didn't feel like quitting out of the game (back when my processor meant it would take ages if I tabbed) by making them each the child of a random townie, checking their ties, then breaking the ties with the townie.  For some reason, they will gain a sibling tie from sharing a parent, and it does not go away unless you sever it again yourself, even if you sever parental ties.

SimPE's much easier to change relationships with, in my opinion.