More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: phyllis_p on 2007 June 09, 12:01:03

Title: Can't get married
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 June 09, 12:01:03
Okay. So Ripp Grunt graduates Uni and gets a house in the neighborhood.  I move his fiancee, Brandi London, in with him.  She has also graduated Uni, was originally a downtownie teen whom I sent to Uni with Ripp.

He proposes marriage.  They jump.  He gets the memory, she doesn't, and her name does not change.  Error says she must be a person.

Error log attached.

Feeling stupid, and with gratitude for any help,


Title: Re: Can't get married
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 09, 12:43:57
Never seen this bug, and I just did a marriage in my own game. I blame the non-Awesome.

Title: Re: Can't get married
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 June 09, 12:47:45
Sir, I did 3 marriages right before this with no problem.  The only non-awesome hack I have is fwiffo's multi-pollination technican hack.  I'll take it out and try again.

ETA:  I removed my pitifullly small Downloads folder (109 MB) and tried again.  Same error.  Log attached.

Title: Re: Can't get married
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 June 09, 16:36:05
I found two other threads of people with similar problems.  Doesn't look like there's a solution, though.  My situation is different from theirs in that:  I just regenerated my neighborhoods a couple of weeks ago and started over -- I've only played long enough to get this batch of kids through Uni; I never merged neighborhoods nor deleted any Sims; and I never edited any memories with SimPE -- only edited some DNA, and not on the two Sims in question.,102.0.html,286.0.html

I guess if no solution is found, I can just let them live together -- Ripp's a Romance Sim anyway.  Or I can arrange for Brandi's death, which I may opt for since I don't want her around if her file is corrupt somehow.  I hate doing that, but oh well.  He'll get over it.

Title: Re: Can't get married
Post by: witch on 2007 June 09, 22:58:41
Or I can arrange for Brandi's death, which I may opt for since I don't want her around if her file is corrupt somehow.  I hate doing that, but oh well.  He'll get over it.

As soon as he spies something shiny.  :D

Title: Re: Can't get married
Post by: SnootCB on 2007 June 09, 23:34:43
This is exactly the problem I was having with the rezzed Tricou family in my game (yes I did that, no I didn't know it was bad at the time, yes now I know better).  None of the couples could be re-married, even with a bit of love potion to help them along.  Every time I tried, one of them would get the memory and the other would jump out of the interaction and not get the memory.  So I re-killed the ones I didn't like, and the rest are now happily married/having affairs along with the rest of Veronaville's f*d-up families.

Title: Re: Can't get married
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 10, 08:31:08
Further review suggests this bug may date back to NL, so it may have existed and been known for over a year now.

Try this old experimental fix (

Title: Re: Can't get married
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 June 10, 10:36:44
Brilliant, as usual, Sir!  Ripp and Brandi are now married, with no problems.  (Well.  Other than those that married life brings a Romance Sim and his spouse.  But my Sims tend to have happy, long, monogamous relationships, and I've found that Romance Sims make wonderful parents, regardless of their fears.  I'm rambling ....).

*enacts the "We are not worthy" bows*

I shall click the "Thank you" button posthaste!

Oh ... and ....

