More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Eleonora on 2007 June 08, 18:17:45

Title: Probably the work of a non-awesome, but you never know.
Post by: Eleonora on 2007 June 08, 18:17:45
Since my last playing session I don't recall downloading anything, however, my game keeps mass-producing error logs. Since the word attraction was mentioned by the pop-up I tried nuking all attraction markers with the lot debugger. No dice.

Error log attached, if needed, i can provide a conflict report.

Edited for dumfuckiness, sorry Ste  :-[

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Probably the work of a non-awesome, but you never know.
Post by: syberspunk on 2007 June 08, 18:28:23
Uh... where's the error log?
/me uses X-ray vision to no avail. :P

/me uses his other powers to travel back in time to remove his previous response and now reply after the error log was added. ;)

Interesting error.  One that I've not seen before.  It looks like Lillie was tryin got help/sell something to Laurence.  Either you have some hack related to attraction stuff (like the romancemod) or possibly related to business stuff (something that modifies the May I Help You/Sell interaction?) and something is non-awesome or hasn't been properly updated... Or something might be strange with the sim data for Lillie or Laurence.  Is Laurence an NPC?  It could be that his sim data is not itialized properly or something...

Anyhew, that's my pseudo educated guess. :P


Title: Re: Probably the work of a non-awesome, but you never know.
Post by: Eleonora on 2007 June 09, 11:10:58
I guess I should have described the situation a bit more, although errors popped up everywhere, regardless of what was happening.
This particular one took place on a business lot, Lillie is the owner, Laurence was browsing the goods. I directed her to go do sales/..practice on, which produced this error.
I have many hacks relating to attraction and business', all from either the awesome ones, or from peasantry.  I'm sure I have all updated versions, but I'll re-download them just to be thorough.
What may be the culprit is that I did delete some sims from the neighbourhood before playing, using the proper method though. This is my sisters 'hood, and she had attached 2 uni's, because uni #1 started flashing black/blue (unrelated problem, my graphics card can't handle too many trees). Somehow this spawned to identical sets of dormies, and I deleted one of them. But I don't see how this should have affected Lillie, she never met any of the dormies, I am a 100% sure of that.

Title: Re: Probably the work of a non-awesome, but you never know.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 09, 11:36:12
Something is very wrong with that error log. There's apparently some garbage characters in the log, which makes no sense, as no function can possibly be named that, as many of those letters do not even exist on a keyboard. Therefore, this is a sign of some manner of data corruption on your computer. Scandisk it, reinstall everything, and if the problem still continues, reformat. Then start replacing hardware.