More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: kellinjar on 2005 October 06, 01:06:35

Title: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: kellinjar on 2005 October 06, 01:06:35
I don't see it mentioned and its pretty fresh:,item.41,item.23&threadID=a8ba093137ceec4acd49d60041a52bfe&directoryID=62&startRow=1#77e3833eb074b3984baf3258eff6fb0a

Its in testing, hopefully within a week we should have it.

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: rhodaloo on 2005 October 06, 01:14:42
This given me hope.  I honestly thought the patches would be available as early as my Christmas present 2005 or my birthday present fall 2006.  Hopfully this has been a wakeup call to EA games regarding customer satisfaction.

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: Ivy on 2005 October 06, 01:19:02
lol...I'll believe it when I can download it.

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: CapN Tokyo on 2005 October 06, 01:26:26
This is a huge improvement over last time. But like Ivy, I'll believe it when I download it.

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 06, 01:27:03
I really hope that's true, but I'm not getting my hopes up, I'll believe it when I see it.

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: vecki on 2005 October 06, 01:31:03
Finally!  Contact on the official board!  Why oh why aren't progress reports given on the main page though!

Like everyone else, I'll be happy when I can download it and see what they've fixed, though.

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: cabelle on 2005 October 06, 01:38:59
I don't see it mentioned and its pretty fresh:,item.41,item.23&threadID=a8ba093137ceec4acd49d60041a52bfe&directoryID=62&startRow=1#77e3833eb074b3984baf3258eff6fb0a

Its in testing, hopefully within a week we should have it.

Great news! I'm looking forward to seeing what it fixes too. Hopefully this continues to be a sign of much better things to come. *fingers crossed*

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: Velax on 2005 October 06, 01:59:01
Hopfully this has been a wakeup call to EA games regarding customer satisfaction.

Ahahahahahahaha. *wipes tear from eye* That was a good one.

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: Ivy on 2005 October 06, 02:11:00
Ya the time it's taken for these people to release the patch...I've lost 5 dress sizes...that translates to 45lbs.

Just imagine what THEY could do if they actually put their minds to it!

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: Twain on 2005 October 06, 02:23:43
sigh...actually this depresses me....It means I have nothing to rant about for a while.   ;D

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 06, 02:27:06
Hey Twain, I don't know if you have Nightlife yet, but I thought it was rather interesting that it doesn't say "Challenge Everything" now when you start the game.  It just has an EA logo.  Coincidence???

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: vecki on 2005 October 06, 03:49:03
sigh...actually this depresses me....It means I have nothing to rant about for a while.   ;D

Oh I'm sure you'll find something  :)

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: sanmonroe on 2005 October 06, 04:25:54
Go visit the B&W2 boards. Plenty to freak out about over there right now. :)

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 06, 12:48:35
What worries me about this thread is the fact that they aren't telling us what they are patching (or, perhaps more to the point, what they are NOT patching).  There are a few major glitches that I've not really seen discussed to any great degree which basically spoil my game completely when they happen and I have a horrid feeling they won't be dealt with.  I really do think they should let us know what they are fixing so we can check to see if anything particularly troublesome is missing.

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: sanmonroe on 2005 October 06, 15:53:00
Well some of the bugs are probbably a direct result of the way they decided to handle files. They would have to rewrite huge amounts of the base game to fix it.

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: jrd on 2005 October 06, 15:55:38
Or the Fable forums. Get this: Fable is not compatible with Soundblaster Live! or Audigy soundcards. It also tends to crash if Norton Antivirus is installed.

Good one, Lionhead/Micro$oft!

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: reggikko on 2005 October 06, 18:02:51
Ya the time it's taken for these people to release the patch...I've lost 5 dress sizes...that translates to 45lbs.

Just imagine what THEY could do if they actually put their minds to it!

Way to go, Ivy! Good on ya as the Brits or somebody would say!

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: sanmonroe on 2005 October 06, 19:31:12
Or the Fable forums. Get this: Fable is not compatible with Soundblaster Live! or Audigy soundcards. It also tends to crash if Norton Antivirus is installed.

Good one, Lionhead/Micro$oft!

heh EA/Lionhead still trumps that by making a game not compatabel with half the Nvidia cards, including the best ones!

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: striker on 2005 October 06, 21:50:53
patch pushed to next week.


Hey guys,
Just heard that the patch won't be out until next week instead of today. It's still in testing and that's the new estimate. Sorry to bring you the bad news but wanted to update you with what I know.


Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 06, 23:01:22
What worries me about this thread is the fact that they aren't telling us what they are patching (or, perhaps more to the point, what they are NOT patching).  There are a few major glitches that I've not really seen discussed to any great degree which basically spoil my game completely when they happen and I have a horrid feeling they won't be dealt with.  I really do think they should let us know what they are fixing so we can check to see if anything particularly troublesome is missing.

Yes. Yes indeed. And there are a few things which it is unclear whether they are a bug or a feature--like the "no second parent for alien spawn" thing, which is annoying for persons like myself who have circumvented the "all alien spawn are related" problem by rather more creative means, and would like to be able to see which alien spawn are half siblings and which are not siblings at all. Although that hack is interfering with some really rather weird stuff at the moment, but . . .


Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: Ivy on 2005 October 07, 00:15:04
Way to go, Ivy! Good on ya as the Brits or somebody would say!

Thank you reg :D  And I'll take a "good on ya" anyday...I have lots of friends from Austraila and New Zealand and they say that there as well :) And from what I have been told, is a very high compliment indeed :D

Uni was waiting for me in the mail the very day my husband got out of the hospital from having a heart attack.  That is precisely the day we started our healthy eating habits.

And my avatar is the "new me" :D

Happy Simming,
:) :) :)

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: aussieone on 2005 October 07, 05:25:42

Thank you reg :D  And I'll take a "good on ya" anyday...I have lots of friends from Austraila and New Zealand and they say that there as well :) And from what I have been told, is a very high compliment indeed :D

Uni was waiting for me in the mail the very day my husband got out of the hospital from having a heart attack.  That is precisely the day we started our healthy eating habits.

And my avatar is the "new me" :D

Happy Simming,
:) :) :)

It is indeed a very high compliment Ivy, quite similar to holding one's hand up and saying "high five"  :D

 so i'll say "good on ya" too Ivy :)

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 07, 05:32:22
patch pushed to next week.


Hey guys,
Just heard that the patch won't be out until next week instead of today. It's still in testing and that's the new estimate. Sorry to bring you the bad news but wanted to update you with what I know.


thanks for that last update, I took upon my shoulder, since Maxis did not do an official post about that, to post a new thread on the official bbs in the University section with the link to that respond.  Very much appreciated.   ;D

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: vecki on 2005 October 07, 05:39:02
Way to go, Ivy! Good on ya as the Brits or somebody would say!

Thank you reg :D  And I'll take a "good on ya" anyday...I have lots of friends from Austraila and New Zealand and they say that there as well :) And from what I have been told, is a very high compliment indeed :D

Uni was waiting for me in the mail the very day my husband got out of the hospital from having a heart attack.  That is precisely the day we started our healthy eating habits.

And my avatar is the "new me" :D

Happy Simming,
:) :) :)

You are honoured to be told 'good onya'

I'll give you the even better version 'onya!'

Ok, I'm jealous of your skill and dedication.  I've started piling on the kilos and can't seem to stop myself.  Doesn't help that I've not been able to get the gym as much as I used to (between work, study, boyfriend, and quality family time, it just doesn't seem to fit anywhere). Gah.

Title: Re: Patch confirmation, hopefully within a week.
Post by: Ivy on 2005 October 07, 10:54:04
 ;D ;D ;D

Thank you aussieone and vecki :)

Now vecki, you aren't supposed to be truly jealous til I tell you that all I've done is change my eating habits and a lil bit more walking now than I used to :p ...and not exactly on purpose  Started a new job in July and that has me walking more built-into my  So I don't realize that I'm actually getting a workout til it's all said and 

Happy Simming!
:) :) :)