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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: pearlbh on 2005 October 05, 20:13:06

Title: Anybody else having coffee cup weirdness with NL?
Post by: pearlbh on 2005 October 05, 20:13:06
I have the coffee cup hack which is on the list of hacks that works with Nightlife, but lately my Sims seem to be back to trudging off over hill and dale to find a table to put their coffee cups on.  Usually then they IMMEDIATELY pick it up and go wash it in the sink.  I considered the possibility that Inge's no cleaning up at restaurants hack might have been causing this, but I took that out and it's still happening.  So alas, I suspect the coffee cup hack isn't working right with NL.  Unless there's yet another hack I have that could be conflicting, but I don't know what.  Anybody else have any ideas on this? 

Title: Re: Anybody else having coffee cup weirdness with NL?
Post by: Assmitten on 2005 October 05, 21:14:45
Yes, my hack is not working alone or with other hacks. Bye-bye coffee!

Title: Re: Anybody else having coffee cup weirdness with NL?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 06, 00:51:02
Don't know about coffee on residential lots, but on downtown lots once my Sims have drunk their coffee the cups just vanish into thin air.  I haven't reinstalled the coffee-cup hack since NL.

Title: Re: Anybody else having coffee cup weirdness with NL?
Post by: Velax on 2005 October 06, 02:03:30
I don't have the hack, but coffee cup behaviour does seem a little sims sit down in the kitchen to drink their coffee, then go into another room to put down the cup on a coffee table. Why? There are plenty of bench or dining table spots available in the kitchen.....perhaps ours sims are unaware that, despite the name, coffee tables are not the only places available to rest coffee cups on?

Title: Re: Anybody else having coffee cup weirdness with NL?
Post by: dusty on 2005 October 06, 07:39:43
I have the coffee cup hack with NL and it seems to work as well as it ever did.  Sims take their cups straight to the dishwasher or sink when they're done drinking.

Title: Re: Anybody else having coffee cup weirdness with NL?
Post by: simposiast on 2005 October 06, 08:05:00
There are plenty of bench or dining table spots available in the kitchen.....

I would rather they don't put coffee cups in the kitchen. My sims have a hard enough time finding a free kitchen counter or table as it is, without adding coffee cups to the rest of the clutter.

You could put the coffee machine in the living room or dining room instead.  If all your coffee-able surfaces are either occupied or or close to the coffee machine the sims won't walk miles to put the cup down.

Title: Re: Anybody else having coffee cup weirdness with NL?
Post by: witch on 2005 October 06, 10:26:54
My coffee cup hack is working fine in NL too. Sims wash their cups or put them in the dishwasher.

Title: Re: Anybody else having coffee cup weirdness with NL?
Post by: pearlbh on 2005 October 06, 16:22:31
I have two houses where I've noticed a problem.  In one, they drink standing up in the kitchen, then put the cup on the floor, even though there's a sink and dishwasher RIGHT behind them.  Then this other guy in a new house I just built sits at the kitchen counter to drink the coffee, then goes into the dining room, up the stairs, into the TV room and sets the cup on a coffee table.  Then if I let him alone for about three seconds he'll pick the cup up, walk downstairs, into the kitchen and wash it in the sink.  Sometimes I think certain Sims are just plain crazy. 

Anyway my solution may be to put an invisible coffee table in the kitchens.  I got one (an invisible coffee table) recently to replace the payathtebox hack; put it next to the mailbox so they'll set the mail on it and you don't lose track of it.  I don't use them for that now though since Monique's computer lets you pay bills online.  But invisible tables can come in handy for a variety of things.

Title: Re: Anybody else having coffee cup weirdness with NL?
Post by: Akharra on 2005 October 06, 21:17:38
Monique's computer?? Where do I find it, please?

Found it! Thanks anyway!

Title: Re: Anybody else having coffee cup weirdness with NL?
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2005 October 07, 13:27:07
Both before and after Nightlife, the coffee cup hack doesn't always work in some houses in my game. I don't know why.