More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Strangel on 2007 June 05, 01:59:42

Title: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: Strangel on 2007 June 05, 01:59:42

I've just had a satellite land on the CHILD that I sent out (with his siblings) to watch the clouds while waiting for the bus! I was so shocked I didn't manage to get any pics of it.. I was too busy screaming "OH FUX" and cracking up to even explain to Big Beastie why I was having a conniption.

I was SURE that children in this game were entirely indestructible!

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: floopyboo on 2007 June 05, 02:25:27
That is so cool. I'm never going to replicate that one, although I'm going to try. :D

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 June 05, 02:30:31
There's ways of killing them, and I guess now we know satellite is one.

Otherwise they wouldn't be resurrectable, right?

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: notovny on 2007 June 05, 02:32:43

Fire works too, and is much quicker, in general.

( (

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: Strangel on 2007 June 05, 02:34:16
It was beyond bizarre.. I was sending everyone out for a quick sitdown so I could save and I happened to see the line of family member icons jump down one.
Soo, I started off looking to make sure it wasn't a sudden age-up or one of the pets. Nope, they're all there. Right about then, something plummets down the lefthand side of my screen, leaving a streamer of smoke! By now, everyone is up from THEIR Cloud Watch '07 to sob about poor little whatsisname (hey.. he's the youngest of close to twenty kids in this family including the alienspawns and he's only been a CHILD for less than a DAY..) as he lays there, looking like a stiff-limbed corpse next to a sparking satellite!
Hairy's reaction to my screams of disbelief was "Are pixelated people REALLY worth THAT sort of drama and noise?"
I told him NOT ONLY did I get one of the rarer "luck" deaths, but I got it on a KID and I thought those were supposed to be indestructible. Then he got it.
Kid has since been rez'd by daddy and driven to school to meet his mourning siblings.

Imagine the trauma to the other kids on the bus.. LMAO

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 June 05, 02:54:31
I have never had that happen in my game, unfortunately. I would have just left the kid dead if they had that many.

Oh, and I could never get a child to die by fire in my game. Admittedly, it has been ages since I've tried, but they kept catching flame and then just returning to normal directly afterwards.

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 June 05, 03:02:35
I've killed them by hail and by lightning, but those were Rodney's Death Creator deaths due to that family going against the oversoul's wishes. I've done drowning, but it's difficult to set up so that the social worker doesn't take them first. Generally, I let them get to teen before killing them off. Lately no one gets killed since the neighborhood is in rebuilding mode, and due to the fact that medicine hasn't gotten back to the point where birth control is possible and I have ACR, well....four kids 1st gen post-apoc and three so far 2nd gen. Back-to-back.

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: seelindarun on 2007 June 06, 21:27:37
Children can't die of hunger, since the social worker intervenes too soon, but they're susceptible to most of the things adults are, except maybe disease.  It's toddlers and babies that are forbidden from death.

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: kewian on 2007 June 08, 20:09:24
ok if you did ...HOW?   Cheating does not count.  Lets see evidence.  Stupid troll.

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: kewian on 2007 June 08, 21:21:13
It doesnt count because ITS not a natural part of the game and is probably the work of the nonawesome. If you can prove it happened as part of the game that would be newsworthy. ... this is just rubbish.  Noone really likes to go around killing babies and toddlers anyway.  Go home and cry for your role model who just got locked up AGAIn and is getting what she deserves...probably what you deserve as well.

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: Laura Castellano on 2007 June 08, 23:11:07
You can drown 'em, too, but that probably counts as cheating, since you have to use "move objects on" to remove the swimming pool ladders.  It's pretty twisted to see their little dead bodies at the bottom of the pool.

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: Hook on 2007 June 09, 01:01:50
You can drown 'em, too, but that probably counts as cheating, since you have to use "move objects on" to remove the swimming pool ladders.  It's pretty twisted to see their little dead bodies at the bottom of the pool.

MissBree again, right?

You DO NOT have to use moveobjects on to remove swimming pool ladders.  Sheesh.  For that matter, you can build a pool with a diving board and no ladders whatsoever if you wish.

Do kids use the diving board? 


Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: Mens Mortuus on 2007 June 09, 03:26:36
Kids use the board, for sure :).
 Since I can't see who Kewian is talking to, it must be a deleted reply, I assume. Maybe he/she/it's fragile brain cannot accept the way we discuss deaths and other body parts so clinically.

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: SnootCB on 2007 June 09, 04:10:15
Heh, this thread looks familiar, Stangel.  ;)

I've only ever had one sim die by satellite.  He was a teen, and not a very useful one, so I was pretty stoked.  That family still has the satellite out in the back yard as a momento of sorts.

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 09, 04:39:32
Not Bree.

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: Strangel on 2007 June 10, 10:15:59
Heh, this thread looks familiar, Stangel.  ;)

I've only ever had one sim die by satellite.  He was a teen, and not a very useful one, so I was pretty stoked.  That family still has the satellite out in the back yard as a momento of sorts.

-snicker- Does it now? LOL
Well, I figured in here I could post it with language intact. lol I left the satellite out front, planted a tree next to it. XD
I'm also finding out I'm deadly to sims.. I borrowed Teh Boy's Life Stories this week, played the girl through to happy conclusions, she was last played as having given birth to her second child and prepping to move into a new house with hubby. I also played her aunt (who is days from crustification on arrival) into marrying a townie on the third day she knew him, downing two jugs of elixir, and birthing two kids as well.
Then.. I started playing the other story...
I made it through, all was happily ever after.. she was carrying his second child and went downstairs to give the baby it's bottle before feeding herself. She died. He was at work, so she stayed dead. Social worker came and took the baby, he came home from work, called and "adopted" the baby back, and a few days later when she was a toddler.. came home from work and dropped dead.
I cheated.. Spawned a Tombstone and aged her through the ranks to Teen while the nanny was still around so's not to lose her completely, and she's just aged to adult.

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 June 10, 12:47:16
The question is, though, how did they die?

Title: Re: O_O That satellite just sat on my KID!
Post by: Strangel on 2007 June 10, 18:58:38

They.. um.. starved.

I wouldn't feel bad at ALL except the pregnant ghost floats into the kitchen several times a night to open the fridge, reach for food, and then look depressed. lol
Also, she's got an attachment to the upstairs bathtub. When she isn't either at the fridge or "pacing" back and forth across the upstairs balcony, she's haunting the tub into a bubble bath.