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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ScoobyDoo on 2007 June 05, 00:05:33

Title: Can one hack break another hack?
Post by: ScoobyDoo on 2007 June 05, 00:05:33
With Celebrations & Pets macrotastic is causing sim resets during dancing and a few other actions.  When I remove macrotastic testingcheats doesn't report any errors.  Is it possible another hack is causing macrotatics to fail, but so no signs when macro isn't installed.  Or does macrotastics have problems with Celebrations?

Title: Re: Can one hack break another hack?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 June 05, 00:48:51
It's very likely some other hack that's outdated, but post the error log here so the awesome folks can check it.

Title: Re: Can one hack break another hack?
Post by: ScoobyDoo on 2007 June 05, 02:11:52
Hack conflict detector found nothing pertaining to macro, just on the skintone selector and a marrage name.

Also this just started happening after Celebrations, everything was working ok with Pets.  Isn't Celebrations based off the older Open for Business engine?

Title: Re: Can one hack break another hack?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 05, 02:14:57
With Celebrations & Pets macrotastic is causing sim resets during dancing and a few other actions.  When I remove macrotastic testingcheats doesn't report any errors.  Is it possible another hack is causing macrotatics to fail, but so no signs when macro isn't installed.  Or does macrotastics have problems with Celebrations?
Celebrations breaks the engine-detection, because its bits say it comes after Seasons, but it doesn't, so it's broken. Some method of coding a messy kludge to fix it is being looked into. Celebrations without Seasons is not a presently supported configuration of game due to these issues.

Title: Re: Can one hack break another hack?
Post by: ScoobyDoo on 2007 June 05, 02:23:42
Ah ok I'll uninstall it and wait till I get Seasons.  I think I rememeber reading you did mention the version value was greater than Seasons.

Thanks Pescado