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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: twistingsims on 2007 June 02, 00:37:45

Title: Can't Greet Visiting Child Sims
Post by: twistingsims on 2007 June 02, 00:37:45
I did a search and only found a couple of topics relating to this, one being the following:,4995.0.html (,4995.0.html)

However, I do not have BUY or the rolls in my game, so it can't be the same issue, I do have mostly hacks/mods from the FFS package and a few others.

It is only happening with child sims at the moment, The Ramirez's lot and a downloaded lot where I moved in the Ramaswami's.  The first few times there was no problem with my child sims greeting other child sims, but then the next time, I would click the visiting sim and I would get the menu and option to "Greet so and so".   My sim would go up to the other sim, but the que drops out and no matter how many times I try to greet, the action fails.  Now when the adult sim brings the child with them, my sims can greet everyone and everyone comes in.

I realize it's probably a hack, but just curious as to which kind of hack could do that?

PS.   I have all expansion packs and just the glamour stuff pack.

Title: Re: Can't Greet Visiting Child Sims
Post by: Emma on 2007 June 02, 07:24:33
This happens to me sometimes, usually if I've aged a child to teen using the grow up townies hack by Ste. Do you have that?

Title: Re: Can't Greet Visiting Child Sims
Post by: twistingsims on 2007 June 02, 20:04:16
hey Emma, thanks for the reply, no I don't have that one.  I haven't really had any problems with the teen greets . . . yet!!  ;)

Title: Re: Can't Greet Visiting Child Sims
Post by: Emma on 2007 June 03, 06:27:05
No, it's not the teen greets, it is any other child that visits the lot after I've aged a teen. Saving and then re-entering the lot fixes it.

Title: Re: Can't Greet Visiting Child Sims
Post by: twistingsims on 2007 June 03, 19:18:07
oh oh oh, okay I see now, I will have to look for that next time, see if it happens again! Thanks!  ;D