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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: spambi on 2007 June 01, 16:11:41

Title: Trying to view one sim's memories freezes game
Post by: spambi on 2007 June 01, 16:11:41
Whenever I try to switch to the memory tab of one of my sims the game freezes and I have to use task manager to kill it. It doesn't generate an error log. This is an old sim that I haven't been playing very much, but she didn't have any problems before this. I have all the expansions installed. I looked at her memories in SimPE and none of them looked suspicious, though I'm not sure what to look for. I haven't edited her memories (or any other sim's). Has anyone else experienced this problem? Can anyone give me hints on what to look for as far as borked memories? This isn't an emergency -- as long as I remember not to try to open her memory tab things should be ok. Nonetheless, I'd like to fix it if I can.

Title: Re: Trying to view one sim's memories freezes game
Post by: Kyna on 2007 June 01, 16:36:44
I had something similar happen in my game recently.  I had a couple going on a woohoo scavenger hunt (woohoo in as many different locations as possible).

For the first one, they went to a clothing store and woohooed in a changing booth.  This was their first public wohoo.  The memories from that were messed up.  Instead of woohooed with (name) I got woohooed with odd things, like controllers.  This couple were kinkier than I thought ;)  I fixed the memories in SimPE so that they actually referred to the sim they'd woohooed with, and the problem was solved.

I know you said you'd checked the memories in SimPE.  If I were you, I'd double check the memories in SimPE to see that they actually refer to sims and not unusual objects.

Title: Re: Trying to view one sim's memories freezes game
Post by: spambi on 2007 June 01, 17:59:33
You're right, there were broken public woohoo memories that I missed. I removed those and the game is ok now. Have you had trouble with other sims' memories of public woohoos? I'm wondering if I'll have to check the memories of anyone who woohoos in an elevator.

Title: Re: Trying to view one sim's memories freezes game
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 01, 19:24:57
If you can pinpoint the exact actions which produce fucked up memories, I can look into a fix.

Title: Re: Trying to view one sim's memories freezes game
Post by: spambi on 2007 June 02, 15:50:49
For me it was woohoo'ing in an elevator. I'll try it again to see if the same thing happens.

Title: Re: Trying to view one sim's memories freezes game
Post by: Kyna on 2007 June 02, 15:53:51
Thinking back now, mine was an elevator too, not a clothing booth.  The clothing booth was on the second community lot they visited, and gave them an unglitched memory of public woohoo.