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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: cyberwitch on 2007 May 28, 06:24:00

Title: Broken Death
Post by: cyberwitch on 2007 May 28, 06:24:00
I'm not sure of what's going on here... I started a new hood (I have all the Eps and stuff pakages), with clean templates and everything. But everytime Death comes for a sim, she freezes the game. Death stands there, wearing her flower necklace, and everything stops working, I can't save or leave the game.
I tried forcing errors with the lot debugger, I checked for hack conflicts (none), but I have no idea of what's causing this. Could someone please help me?
Thank you,

Title: Re: Broken Death
Post by: witch on 2007 May 28, 06:40:14
Wearing 'her' flower necklace? In sims 2 Death is a male and I think his necklace is skulls. Something sounds very screwy.

Title: Re: Broken Death
Post by: Tamha on 2007 May 28, 06:46:58
Death has a lei, too, if I'm not mistaken, on some occasions, but "her" makes me think the Hula Zombies rather than Grimmy.

Title: Re: Broken Death
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 28, 06:56:22
Try the experimental Foot Slot Fix ( in seasons/test.

Title: Re: Broken Death
Post by: Venusy on 2007 May 28, 08:43:06
Wearing 'her' flower necklace? In sims 2 Death is a male
Well, you would assume so, but I seem to remember someone extracting Death out of the objects.package, and finding out that simDeath was actually female. It might not have actually been extracted, so it could have been one of those effects that only happened with a sociable Grim Reaper mod installed (possibly the WooHoo cutscene, it's been a long time since I saw a screenshot of it).

Title: Re: Broken Death
Post by: cyberwitch on 2007 May 28, 18:20:16
Pescado, thank you very much. I already killed two sims and everything seems back to normal.

Edit: Oops, not so normal after all. Now my sims can't "Propose", the option disappeared. Is it related?