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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: gali on 2005 October 04, 00:09:11

Title: Can't accept outing suggestion when with child
Post by: gali on 2005 October 04, 00:09:11
When one of my married sims (adult) gets a suggestion to go outing, automatically his spouse is going too.

I played Brandi Broke's house, and she had a child (all the others are in the college). She received a suggestion to go outing, and I accepted.
When the cab arrived, both parents went to the cab, leaving the kid alone (??!!).

I paniced, and immediately, when they arrived downtown, orderred a taxi to take me home. Good that they arrived the same time they left, but I got a message "it's not good idea to leave kid alone".

So, they must stay at home, until the child is a teen. They don't have even a chance to invite a nanny "just for now", because the cab comes almost immediately.

Which hack was the one which enabled me to choose who enters the cab, and who is staying home? Carpool fix? I don't remember - but I need it badly.


Title: Re: Can't accept outing suggestion when with child
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 04, 00:10:31
I believe it's the phone hack and there's a NL version in testing now you can download.

Title: Re: Can't accept outing suggestion when with child
Post by: gali on 2005 October 04, 00:13:54
I have the phone hack - I volunteered to test it for JMP. So far all went fine, except of this.

If it's the phone hack - it must be fixed. Have I to write it at the "all hacks" section?

Title: Re: Can't accept outing suggestion when with child
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 04, 00:14:39
Luckily, when you go on an outing you always return the same time you leave.  Otherwise I suspect Maxis would have kept one of the adults at home, which is how it works with the carpool for work.


Title: Re: Can't accept outing suggestion when with child
Post by: gali on 2005 October 04, 00:17:03
Thanks, Hook - I suspected it's the carpool fix.

But, is it updated for NL?

Title: Re: Can't accept outing suggestion when with child
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 04, 00:21:00
According to Boris, it's updated and in testing but not yet released. 

But I don't think you need to worry about it, as I doubt the carpool fix will have any effect on an outing.  Since you're returning the same time you left, your child is not left alone for more than a few Sim minutes.


Title: Re: Can't accept outing suggestion when with child
Post by: gali on 2005 October 04, 00:29:20
Well, Motoki was right - it's the phone hack, not the carpool hack. I pasted the old carpool hack, and didn't get the ability to choose which sim is going outing.

Title: Re: Can't accept outing suggestion when with child
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 October 04, 02:27:40

I thought that you could ring for the nanny, use the "just for now" option and she will show up. Then you can call for a taxi to take you downtown. Correct me if I am wrong people!


Title: Re: Can't accept outing suggestion when with child
Post by: dbmagick on 2005 October 04, 02:41:12
In my game if a sim has a child...infant thru elementary age & they want to accept an invite, there is an auto. pop-up that asks if they want to hire a nanny.  I just click yes and my sim then runs for their car.

Oh, my married sim's spouse isn't automatically included in the outings invite either.

Title: Re: Can't accept outing suggestion when with child
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 04, 06:36:59
In my game it happens the same as in dbmagick's, so it sounds like something is interfering with yours, probably one of your downloads.  None of my married people invited out have taken their partners with them, only when I have sent them out together, in which case there is always an option to hire a nanny.

Even so, you should have time to hire a nanny before the taxi arrives because they have an hour to get to the downtown lot before they are penalised.  Even better, get them a car.  You can then cancel out the instruction to get in the car, hire a nanny, then tell them to get in the car.  When they arrive, the other members of the party will be there.