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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Scratch on 2007 May 26, 02:18:36

Title: Which SimPe should i use??
Post by: Scratch on 2007 May 26, 02:18:36
Until the newest SimPe came out i was using the latest one.... 0.6 ? I have all ep's and sp's except Seasons and Holiday crap.... so i was using the SimPe for zomgpetz!! I was editing objects as well as editing my sims.... no probs there....

Then i got celebrations and SimPe came up with the message "You have a newer expansion pack are you sure you want to continue"... no problem i thought i just won't edit my sims or hood until a new SimPe comes out.... and i waited and i waited and i ..... anyways

New Simpe comes out supporting Celebrations and Seasons and Lifestories and so on.... "great" i thought... now i can edit my hood again... edited a few sims, did some surgery... all was fine with the world and the hood....

Today i got the bright idea to edit some of my objects... opened up the objects with SimPe, looked at the BHAV's and saw [invalid BHAV]  ??? everywhere... i thought maybe i just hadn't noticed that before, so i opened up some objects i've already worked on that i know didn't have that and it's in the BHAV's for all of my objects and hacks...

So my question is... which simpe should i be using.... i want to be able to edit my sims as well as edit objects... if i use the older one that doesn't support Celebrations will it matter because I don't have seasons and Celebrations is just a stuf pack without a real .exe...  or does Celebrations really save hoods in a different format than petz?


Title: Re: Which SimPe should i use??
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 26, 06:22:09
I used to do most of my work in Ye Olde SimPE 50b, and I still do touch-up there, but mostly I use my personal UglyEditor now.

Title: Re: Which SimPe should i use??
Post by: Gwill on 2007 May 26, 10:31:09
Unless you're Pescado, use the newest version.
Something might be corrupt in the install, but you should use the newest shinies release.

Title: Re: Which SimPe should i use??
Post by: Scratch on 2007 May 26, 23:12:27
Nobody is Pescado....  ;D

I've tried a few clean installs of the latest shiney and i still see the same wierdness... i'm thinking it might have something to do with the way i've used the squishification prog from jfade.... i think i cancelled it when i shouldn't have...

I'm going to try a full game reinstall later and see if that makes a difference...


Title: Re: Which SimPe should i use??
Post by: Scratch on 2007 May 30, 21:55:16
It's not the squishificator... it's something i did somewhere...

I did a complete clean reinstall of the latest SimPe twice and still had the same errors.... So i did a complete reinstall of my game files and that didn't make a difference....

After i installed simpe and the game again, i opened up simpe before i had run the game or even put my downloads folder back and had the errors so it's not my game or a download...

Question is.... if i don't have seasons but i have celebrations, can i use the older zomgpetz!! version of simpe on my hood without causing a BFBVFS... or would that be a VBT??    ???