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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Hecubus on 2007 May 26, 00:58:36

Title: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 May 26, 00:58:36
Okay, make that a bunker under the sea.

Pescado has been living happily in his bunker in my current hood, but on a whim, I moved Pescado's bunker to lower land.


Now I can move him out, put a new bunker back on higher land, and move him back in. I tried just moving the bunker, but the water stayed. (Pescado didn't seem to mind...just kept nettrekking.)

However: I like where he lives now. Is there anything I can do remove the aquarium atmosphere without dumping the bunker altogether?

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 26, 02:19:55
Whether you can get rid of it or not and how depends on whether it's neighborhood water or lot water. Lot water can be gotten rid of simply by fiddling with the terrain tools. Neighborhood water cannot be gotten rid of, but can be banished by moving the lot to higher ground.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 May 26, 03:09:11
I was afraid you'd say that...although I was pretty sure that was the answer. Higher ground it is.

Unless you want to hold your breath for the rest of your Sim-life....

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 May 26, 03:44:13
It would be awfully cool looking if you could somehow get that perpetually-bubbling cleaning bug or the perpetually swimming pool bug going.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Eleonora on 2007 May 26, 16:35:08
This nice water 'feature' gave me a reason to actually use one of those godawful mascots suits from OFB. My local neighbourhood weirdo lives in his underwater basement house quite happily with his old school diver outfit on.  :P

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 May 26, 18:07:32
It's Hurricanes Katrina, Andrew, David & Hugo flashbacks to me. He must live in New Simorleans.

At least he's happy and adapted to the situation. Lucky Sim.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Emma on 2007 May 26, 18:53:36
Hecubus, I like the around-the-wall desk you have in your pic, where did you get it?

[edited 'cos I can't spell]

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 May 26, 20:49:32
I think of this bunker as the lost city of Atlantis, actually....

I am dismayed by the low water table in this hood I was using (a custom one from Patul at MTS2)...I love lots of beachside property, but there isn't much land high enough to build much. Pescado moved back into the hills, btw.

Regarding the's not really a's three of the mad scientist tables carefully placed with cheats. (Mad scientist set by Paleoanth, here ( It includes the axes on the wall and other items I have in that bunker.) The mission control area was inspired by a conversation Gwendolyne and I had about how Pescado seems to be everywhere at else would he do it, if not for a set up with multiple computers? I plan to add a higher shelf of monitors as well...really go Truman Show with it...that is, when he has enough money.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Emma on 2007 May 26, 21:06:05
Ta for the linkage ;)

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: witch on 2007 May 26, 23:18:32
You could have a wall bank of screens like in The Man who Fell to Earth.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 May 27, 00:52:55
@Hecubus: I love the mad scientist stuff, nice tip!

You could have a wall bank of screens like in The Man who Fell to Earth.

witch gets points for an awesome cultural reference. :)

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: witch on 2007 May 27, 00:57:03
Actually it wasn't the culture, it was Bowie. *sigh*

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Emma on 2007 May 27, 09:08:14
Hey! Bowie is culture. If you are a seventies child that is ;D

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: witch on 2007 May 27, 09:14:46
That's another movie I should see again, not for about a decade now. I remember everyone was so shocked when the actress wet herself.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 May 27, 16:46:10
That's another movie I should see again, not for about a decade now. I remember everyone was so shocked when the actress wet herself.

And now it's just an average day in Awesomeland.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: witch on 2007 May 28, 06:30:46
That's the thought that flashed through my mind when I was writing that post - a vivid mental image of Brynne Sim.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Paleo on 2007 May 28, 11:53:31
@Hecubus: I love the mad scientist stuff, nice tip!

Thanks! I should do a Pescado themed set. 

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Ellatrue on 2007 May 28, 14:46:31
If you think about it, it makes sense that houses close to the water/ on low-lying land would have problems with flooding, just like real life. So in a sense it actually adds a bit of realism to your game. Rather than give up on those areas altogether, I suggest using houses on stilts, or without basements.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 28, 22:10:38
If you think about it, it makes sense that houses close to the water/ on low-lying land would have problems with flooding, just like real life. So in a sense it actually adds a bit of realism to your game. Rather than give up on those areas altogether, I suggest using houses on stilts, or without basements.
There's only problems with flooding if you have a hull breach. By that logic, submarines would all flood and sink, which is simply not true. If you're getting flooding in your basement, you should complain to whoever built it, and if they don't fix it, sue them. Like *I* don't have flooding down here, and this is because I have built things PROPERLY, with isolated compartments that can be sealed off in the event of a hull breach.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 May 29, 01:46:39
If you think about it, it makes sense that houses close to the water/ on low-lying land would have problems with flooding, just like real life. So in a sense it actually adds a bit of realism to your game. Rather than give up on those areas altogether, I suggest using houses on stilts, or without basements.

It's hard to build an underground bunker on stilts. Kinda counter-intuitive.

Title: Re: He Lives In a Pineapple Under the Sea...
Post by: kathy on 2007 May 29, 01:50:31
Stilts are for pussies!! Drown Pescado!!!!!!!  :P