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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Aeval on 2007 May 25, 16:40:16

Title: Can I safely move Sims to a subhood?
Post by: Aeval on 2007 May 25, 16:40:16
Can I move Sims from my main hood to one of it's associated subhoods, without causing a BFBVFS? I assume that you can because the subhood should work like the University hood does.  I want to be absolutely sure before I do it though. I don't know if it makes any difference but I am using clean templates in both of them.  No Maxis chaff in either neighbourhood.

Title: Re: Can I safely move Sims to a subhood?
Post by: Venusy on 2007 May 25, 16:45:37
Subhood is fine, different neighbourhood is still BFBVFS.

Title: Re: Can I safely move Sims to a subhood?
Post by: Emma on 2007 May 25, 17:09:34
As long as you don't move occupied houses to the lot bin. That is bad.

Title: Re: Can I safely move Sims to a subhood?
Post by: akatonbo on 2007 May 25, 21:27:05
Indeed. If you want to move the entire lot to the new subhood, instead of moving the family to a different lot, then move the family into the FAMILY bin, then move the EMPTY lot into the lot bin.

Title: Re: Can I safely move Sims to a subhood?
Post by: GayJohnScarritt on 2007 May 26, 05:01:19
   If i might add a question.  I am preparing to move the descendents from one of my starting sims in my Royal Kingdom Challenge to a sub-hood,  to re-create the genetic purity of their Founder.   I already know about moving them to the FamilyBin, then moving the houses to the House bin, then reversing the process in the sub-hood. 
   I do wish to know, if there's any problem with moving their descendents diploma's?  I've already read Pescado's recommendation to place the diploma's on the wall from each graduate, go to live play, then on to the next graduate.  Just wondering if the same rule would apply if a sim has several diploma's from his descendents in his inv?   It's not vital that the diploma's make the trasition, but it'd be nice to have them in their new homes.

Title: Re: Can I safely move Sims to a subhood?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 26, 06:21:21
Diplomas do not appear to be harmed by moving them about in the inventory, and a diploma being damaged and showing the wrong owner does not represent a fatal error or otherwise harm your game.