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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Liz on 2007 May 25, 05:24:43

Title: Comm Lot interacting wish
Post by: Liz on 2007 May 25, 05:24:43
Been meaning to toss my coin into the fountain on this wish for a while now...

I would love - in so many sweaty, wrong ways - if there were a hack out there that would let my sims, when visiting a CommLot, interact with other arriving lot visitors without having to wait for said other to schlep over to the ass end of nowhere for no good reason. Clearly, there seems to be some bit of code that prompts nonplayables to pick some random spot in the far corner of a CommLot to walk over to before they'll pick something to do or a person to talk to, but... why? I mean, I get that they wouldn't want nondirected sims to stand about the portal and gum up the works so that no one else can arrive while they're still picking which stray to go badger, but it seems so unnecessary, having to wait until Goopy goes to stand behind the lunch counter at the far end of the lot before my sim can fill his "buy espresso for" want. ::)

Does anyone know of such a hack? And if not... might such a thing be awesome-able?

Title: Re: Comm Lot interacting wish
Post by: Hook on 2007 May 25, 05:49:47
I use the Call Over action on an arriving Sim to keep them from wandering off somewhere odd.  But I agree, they need to have a bit more sanity in where they go when they first arrive.  I've got one lot where most Sims go to the restaurant kitchen, which is small, and it disrupts service.  On another lot, many Sims seem to want to inspect the bathroom first thing when they get there.


Title: Re: Comm Lot interacting wish
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 May 25, 06:00:34
I sort of recall noticing at one point that sims seemed to always go stand by the last item placed on the community lot...I could be wrong but usually when I make (or edit) a community lot these days, the last things I place are a couple benchs out front near the phone booth and I don't have sims going to stand in the bathroom or any other strange place on those lots.

Title: Re: Comm Lot interacting wish
Post by: Count Four on 2007 May 25, 07:09:04
I've noticed a couple of times if I use the cheapest sink in the restrooms, the first thing they seem compelled to do is go look at crap-sink and bitch about the cheapness...

Yeah, with benches near the curb. After they call a taxi to go home, I can tell them to sit right there and wait. So they don't, ya know, go wandering off to play cards or get back in the hot tub. (I'll have to try placing the bench last when building and see what happens.)

Title: Re: Comm Lot interacting wish
Post by: Liz on 2007 May 25, 08:28:36
Last thing I place on a CommLot is either the "taxi waiting" bench or a Cell Phone Kiosk by the curb, and my arriving playable nearly always heads straight for the last-placed object to go have feelings about it - either that, or they have a pressing need to go Razzle a stray... so it's not the 'last placed' item the nonplayables are wandering towards. And unfortunately the 'Call Over' doesn't seem to get their attention until they've finished their long-distance trek - I'll keep trying that, though, and let you guys know if I have any better luck with it. Thanks for the suggestions, guys! Any others out there?

Title: Re: Comm Lot interacting wish
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 25, 09:57:37
Try the "Call Over Hack", it increases the priority of Call Over so that you can call people out of join actions that they are now stuck in.

Title: Re: Comm Lot interacting wish
Post by: Liz on 2007 May 25, 18:07:49
That sounds perfect, Pescado - cheers!! :D

*mashes button repeatedly*