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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Mirelly on 2007 May 21, 11:26:33

Title: Stupid Sims, Locked Doors, and Macrotastics/BYU
Post by: Mirelly on 2007 May 21, 11:26:33
OK. I've used Macrotastics and BYU since they were first released. Suddenly I am having all sorts of minor irritations.

Male sims waiting outside the ladies room door to shower .... Sims wasting good cap thinkage standing outside a locked Myne door to use a mirror for charismamating when they have a perfectly good mirror in their own room. I recently had four sims all waiting outside different terlets (equipped with M/F doors and BYUs set to default).

Am I expecting too much, or am I doing it wrong? (The only possible, non-MATY, cause of errors -- which would not affect the Myne door macrotastics cock-ups anyway -- are some custom terlet doors, which I am now about to remove permanently ... cos they are borked anyway and I have never used them since first trying them weeks ago ... just too idle to pull 'em out.)

Title: Re: Stupid Sims, Locked Doors, and Macrotastics/BYU
Post by: jrd on 2007 May 21, 11:31:03
BUY autodetection of gender doors on anything other than community lots does not work, in my experience. You still have to set them to reject male or reject female.

And even on comm lots it doesn't always work.

Title: Re: Stupid Sims, Locked Doors, and Macrotastics/BYU
Post by: Mirelly on 2007 May 21, 12:57:29
Ah, thanks for that, Jordi. I tried setting rejection, but this made it worse, because the doors wouldn't let the wrong genders through so they could be rejected. I had to enabled dormspecific tools so I could replace the gender doors with plain ones. Stupid Maxis!

As for the macrotastics ... back to the drawing board, for me, to retune my dorm design.

Title: Re: Stupid Sims, Locked Doors, and Macrotastics/BYU
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 21, 13:24:01
Male sims waiting outside the ladies room door to shower .... Sims wasting good cap thinkage standing outside a locked Myne door to use a mirror for charismamating when they have a perfectly good mirror in their own room.
Do not place the skilling objects behind locked doors. Sims will go for the nearest unoccupied object, and trying to identify which ones are are actually accessible based on arbitrary and perverse combinations of door locking is massively expensive, as I would literally have to create a room-by-room search tree to make sure there's a clear path and even then it wouldn't be perfect. Just don't do that. Either make sure that there's ALWAYS a superior charisma option than mirrors, or stop locking them up.

Title: Re: Stupid Sims, Locked Doors, and Macrotastics/BYU
Post by: Mirelly on 2007 May 21, 13:51:27
Bardus mea.