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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: vikitty on 2007 May 16, 01:08:19

Title: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: vikitty on 2007 May 16, 01:08:19
Two problems, possibly related to either hack conflicts or my sims just being inherently lazy.

- Sims not going to work. Carpool shows up, Sim gets in car, car drives off, Sim respawns back in the house seconds later. I did a search on the forum and removed the older version of harderjobs.package, but still nothing happening.

- Sims not going to classes. They don't even get the "XXX has to be at class in one hour" notification. Even if they study like crazy and max out their grade meter, when exam time rolls around they won't go. And when I try to click on them to select College... go to class/exam, there's no pie menu option. In fact, there aren't ANY pie menu options. I get "Adjust... Bed Ownership/Multiple Birth Odds" which I'm going to research so Ican get rid of it and see if that does anything. But none of the original pie menu options like Entertain, Streak, etc are available.

Any help would be great. :D Clearly I am not awesome enough as this is my first post, but I've been a long-time lurker. :D

Title: Re: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: Quinctia on 2007 May 16, 03:06:38
Adjust - Multiple Birth Odds seems like TwoJeff's triplets and quads hack.  I've had it in Uni and now a NL installation without really any issues, but that's where that comes from, if you just want to identify it and take it out.

I'd run Clean Installer on my downloads folder just to get all my hacks together, nuke anything that's lacking a description (or has just random digits in its name), and then get the others moved out and re-add them in batches to narrow down your problem.

Title: Re: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2007 May 16, 13:29:08
The trip & quad hack does have an adjust menu...but has nothing to do with any behavior involving classes. You can leave it in, or take it out, but won't change this error. I don't mod, but I know that much.

Have you received an error log?
Before messing about moving hacks around, I would post the error log and/or wait for a suggestion from someone who does mod.

Title: Re: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: vikitty on 2007 May 16, 18:55:44
Okay, an update:

Went through with Clean Installer and got rid of two hacks with gibberish names. Now (in a dorm lot) some Sims can use the College... Rampage (MATY macrotastic hack) and they'll go to class if they have it. Some Sims are missing that context, though. And the Sims who are suddenly have the Meditate option back.

So, my next question is how do I generate an error report? In the meantime I'm going to start trying to narrow down the hacks.

Title: Re: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: twojeffs on 2007 May 16, 19:00:51
See the FAQ stickied in the podium for error log instructions. It's clearly a conflict or an incompatible hack version.

Title: Re: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: vikitty on 2007 May 16, 19:47:24
Thanks so much for your help twojeffs.  :-*

Okay, I did boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, and lo and behold, right when Maggie was due to leave for class, an error! I attached the log since it's all Greek to me.

edit 2 hours later: I found 2 more gibberish hacks and removed them, and that seems to have fixed the uni problem! The context menus are sowing up properly now. I'm going to pop back into Riverblossom and see if the work carpool issue has been resolved, too.

Title: Re: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: twojeffs on 2007 May 16, 22:22:50
Some hack that isn't compatible is nukifying the sim pie menu. Probably the only way to find out which one is the binary approach (also described in the FAQ). You'll need to check your entire downloads folder.

Title: Re: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: vikitty on 2007 May 17, 00:13:10
Well it seems to be working fine now. Grrr how do those mysterious hacks get in there, anyway? Serves me right for not using Clean Installer for a while.  >:(

Title: Re: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 May 17, 00:31:37
Grrr how do those mysterious hacks get in there, anyway?

from downloading dirty Lots off the Exchange usually but other sites sometimes have dirty Lots too

Title: Re: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2007 May 17, 14:24:54
Serves me right for not using Clean Installer for a while.  >:(

This is why I use Clean Installer for everything I download. (Except from here.)

Title: Re: Sims skipping work and uni classes...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 18, 01:31:44
This is why I use Clean Installer for everything I download. (Except from here.)
You should Clean-Install any Sims2packs, period, regardless of their source. Even packs from here will still contain copies of hacks from here that will get installed with mutilated Maxis-names, and result in you pulling a Ness.