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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Pamhamlet on 2007 May 10, 04:22:55

Title: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Pamhamlet on 2007 May 10, 04:22:55
Is there a hack which allows two Sims to get a divorce quietly by mutual consent without one or the other actually making a big ugly mess of the relationship by having an affair in front of each other?  I have a few Sim couples that are married and aren't really attracted to each other and I'd like to get them married off to other Sims to which they really ARE attracted.  However, I'd like these Sims to stay friends and not go through the furious state.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 May 10, 04:37:57
Squinge has something like that, I think.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Soylent Sim on 2007 May 10, 09:14:23
If you can't find a good hack for it, death does a good job severing relationships.  Killing one of the parties and resurrecting them will terminate marriage while leaving the relationship intact.  They might still be in love, so there might be jealousy issues later, but at least "'till death do us part" will leave them open for other people.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: floopyboo on 2007 May 10, 09:52:47
Cue the macro, I'm about to give kitten killing advice.

Inteen does cover this, and quite nicely too. You have the option to break up a lot earlier than you would normally with sims and you don't need to destroy a relationship to do it. I've seen the option in the seasons incarnation of inteen on sims with a daily relationship of 80, and a lifetime of about 50.

There are other hacks that take care of that, though I don't personally know what they are. If you are ONLY looking for the divorce thing, and not the other many functions of the hack, I would strongly recommend against inteen as it requires concentration to install correctly, & even a seasoned user can stuff it up if they aren't paying attention to what they are doing.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Hook on 2007 May 10, 11:53:05
Strawberry juice fixes problems with furiousness.  Besides, it's often nice to have someone kicking over your trash can frequently and providing you with material for the compost bin.


Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Lady Moiraine on 2007 May 10, 13:15:52
I use this mod, I'm not sure if we're allowed to post this link but I'll try, the mod works fine and I'm not sure if there is an equivalent one found here at MATY.

Also, I use this hack with the BreakUp hack:

I always take out the Break Up hack after I've broken up my sims, it's kind of dangerous to leave in the game, in case you accidentally click on it with a couple you don't want to break up!

(If these links are deleted, PM me.)

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 May 10, 13:53:01
I don't think this forum has any restrctions about that kind of stuff.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: jolrei on 2007 May 10, 13:58:04
I've always used SimPE for that.  Open the Sim browser or Sim description for one of the sims in the relationship, click on the "relations" tab.  Scroll down the list of sims with which your sim has a relationship until you find their spouse/partner.  At the right hand side of the screen there will be two sets of bars:   x's relationship to y, and y's relationship to x.  Don't move the bars if you want to preserve the friendship, best friend, etc status.  Look at the check boxes under each set of bars and uncheck the  love, crush, steady, married, family, etc. buttons.

When you are done, only "friend", "buddy", and "known" should be checked.  Then click on the commit button and do a file+save.  When you go back into your game, your sims will still be living in the same house, but will no longer be married or in love.  They will just be best friends (I'm assuming if they are currently married, that they are best friends - any married sim I had was best friends with their spouse).

Care should be taken at this stage not to let them flirt with each other, hug, or gods forbid, kiss, or the whole crush/love thing will rear its ugly head again.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 May 10, 15:54:01
That sounds alike a very bad idea to me.
If nothing else, it would greatly bother me to have (to use a HTML expression) open tags like that.  If my sims have a memory of being married, I couldn't have them move on without also having a memory of the break up.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: jolrei on 2007 May 10, 17:11:58
That sounds alike a very bad idea to me.
If nothing else, it would greatly bother me to have (to use a HTML expression) open tags like that.  If my sims have a memory of being married, I couldn't have them move on without also having a memory of the break up.

Certainly a point, showing my inherent non-awesomeness.  It may be that one just has to do the breakup and live through the bad memories temporarily, although I suppose one could use debug mode and adjust relationship bars to make it easier for the former couple to be friends again.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: rohina on 2007 May 10, 19:30:01
If you time it right, the Seasons relationship bonuses might make it quicker, too.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Quinctia on 2007 May 11, 03:20:41
That sounds alike a very bad idea to me.
If nothing else, it would greatly bother me to have (to use a HTML expression) open tags like that.  If my sims have a memory of being married, I couldn't have them move on without also having a memory of the break up.

You should be able to delete the marriage memory or add a break up memory in SimPe right after that.

I guess the only problem with that would then be if there's an issue that would fubar the game in modifying memories like that.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Sagana on 2007 May 11, 09:57:43
That's where Insim comes in handy - I don't understand why people'd rather exit the game and use simPE than use an in-game sim editor. Set the relationship low enough, break them up so they have the memory if you want it (if you don't just set them to not-married and skip the breakup), then set the relationship back to friends. Easy and as fast as you want it to be.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 May 11, 15:45:56
Personally I don't cheat.  I could stretch as far as using debugmode to lower a couple's relationship enought to allow a breakup, but for me it is unthinkable to undo a marriage.  If they were ever married in the first place they either have to get a divorce, or one of them has to die.
I don't touch insim with a ten foot pole.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Sagana on 2007 May 11, 16:59:04
Well that's very special and nice for you, but the original poster asked for a hack. Specifically one that will handle a relationship in a different way than the base game code.

Personally I think if there's an idea one can 'cheat' when playing dollhouse, something's a little weird somewhere anyways. If I want the "game" to be harder - I don't use the stupid way-too-easy stuff provided IN the game. Plantsims, energizers and those silly flowers and whatnot cause as much imbalance as anything I can think to do with insim.

But I like stories. I'm not trying to 'score' (in any sense of the term).

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 May 11, 19:50:40
Cue the macro, I'm about to give kitten killing advice.


Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Jack Rudd on 2007 May 12, 11:53:46

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: floopyboo on 2007 May 12, 12:12:36
It took you how many days to find that macro & post it? Sheesh, slow down grampa, you'll give yoruself a hernia!

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 May 12, 16:35:48
It took you how many days to find that macro & post it? Sheesh, slow down grampa, you'll give yoruself a hernia!

Hey, it was only about a day and a half, and I was traveling most of the 10th... :)

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 May 15, 01:50:48
Squinge has something like that, I think.

Yes, it is called Easier Breakup, and comes in both autonomous and non-autonomous flavours. It allows a sim to break up with another sim via the second sim's pie menu, regardless of relationship status. Just do a search at or look through Squinge's forum there.

Title: Re: Mutual quiet divorce without trashing the relationship?
Post by: Pamhamlet on 2007 May 22, 18:43:48
Thank you everyone.  And thank you NotVeryAwesome, you are quite...well, awesome for giving me that info.  I will look into that "Easy breakup" thingy.  Yay.