More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: bimbelina on 2007 May 06, 18:09:28

Title: trouble with my bakery
Post by: bimbelina on 2007 May 06, 18:09:28
I have an assload of hacks (both awesome and non) and custom foods, and set up a lovely bakery using the custom food.  The owner spent days making pastries to stock the display cases, then hired employees and opened the business.  Before the business was open, her inventory was fine.  When cooking while the bakery was open (either the owner or an employee), the owner's inventory starting getting filled with items like "plumbob" and "pet noise emitter" and other weird stuff (most of which was invisible).  I was able to drag all that crap out of inventory and nuke it, but I was wondering if anyone else has seen anything like this, and has any idea of where to look for the problem?  Should I just give up on custom foods, or start weeding through the non-awesome hacks?  The problem only seems to happen when cooking occurs while the business is open.

Title: Re: trouble with my bakery
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 06, 18:29:10
Work of the Non-Awesome, no doubt.

Title: Re: trouble with my bakery
Post by: bimbelina on 2007 May 06, 19:09:35
Thank you, O Master of The Obvious.  Are custom foods considered non-awesome, or should I just concentrate on the hacks?  The weeding process will be long and tedious, and I would appreciate some guidance.

Title: Re: trouble with my bakery
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 May 06, 19:23:52
All are non-Awesome.

Title: Re: trouble with my bakery
Post by: Kyna on 2007 May 06, 19:36:48
A binary search cuts down on the long & tedious weeding process.  Do a search of this site for the words binary search, and you should find a post that explains the math of it.  It doesn't take as long to find the error-causing hack as people first assume.

I'm going to state the obvious here: Pescado has already reduced the hacks, etc, you need to look through - he's stating it's not a hack from this site.

Custom foods should be counted as hacks for the purposes of your search.  If it were me, I'd check where I got them to see if they'd been updated for Seasons, before doing the "you take [the left] half out and you fire up the game" hacky dance.

Title: Re: trouble with my bakery
Post by: bimbelina on 2007 May 06, 21:51:08
Thanks, Kyna.  I know how to do a binary search - hell, I'm old enough to have invented it.  I was just wondering if anyone had seen such behavior before.  All of my hacks, Awesome and non, are supposedly updated for Seasons.  Not so sure about the custom foods.  I guess I'll start there.  Just out of curiosity, what does it take to update a custom food to make it compatible for Seasons?  I haven't used SimPE much, but I can follow instructions pretty well.

Title: Binary Sorting Primers
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 May 07, 08:21:31
You put the left half in, you take the right half out, you leave the left half in, and you prepare to groan and shout, your game will herky-jerky and mess you right around, that's what it's all about.

One half, two halves,
Bad half, good half,
game stops, game goes,
bad hacks mean woes.

Sims2, Sims2, quite contrary
Your borkings are extraordinary
with hairs unbinned and custom skins
your tantrums make us wary.

The error roster did accost her
while trying to play the game
she got in a muddle,
with settings did fiddle,
and vowed never to play Sims again.