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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Velax on 2005 October 01, 09:13:16

Title: The Mysterious Barbeque
Post by: Velax on 2005 October 01, 09:13:16
Right. Okay. So, I have this barbeque. If I place this barbeque anywhere inside the boundaries of my house (it's a castle, with a large garden area surrounded by walls), whether that be in the interior garden or actually indoors, it catches fire the second anyone starts cooking food on it. However, if I place the barbeque outside the castle walls, it works fine. No fires. It does the same thing with every barbeque I use on this lot. Has nothing to do with any downloads, as I've both used the Clean Installer and even moved my Downloads folder elsewhere while running the game. Still happens.

Anyone have any ideas? Do I have a barbeque ghost that haunts my castle? Am I doomed to never be able to eat tasty barbequed treats inside my house?

Title: Re: The Mysterious Barbeque
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 01, 09:23:42
From what I remember, the description says not to use the barbecue grills indoors.  Sorta like in Real Life.

I have had no problems with the cheap grill indoors on a community lot, which is how I had kitchens before I discovered the necessary cheats to get stoves on community lots.  The grill never seemed to catch fire there.

I have not tried grills indoors on residential lots.


Title: Re: The Mysterious Barbeque
Post by: Velax on 2005 October 01, 09:34:10
It's not technically indoors, though. The area it's normally in is a walled but non-roofed section, near where the pool is. And surely it shouldn't catch fire every single time, even if they're not meant to be used "indoors". Here's a pic ( You can see the barbeque just to the left of the pool.

Title: Re: The Mysterious Barbeque
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 01, 09:40:28
Nice castle.

I suspect the game has problems determining "inside" and "outside" in this case.  And you're right, it shouldn't catch fire every time it's used, even inside. 


Title: Re: The Mysterious Barbeque
Post by: aussieone on 2005 October 01, 10:18:50
Yep, even though it's a walled area, it should be free of boundaries

Title: Re: The Mysterious Barbeque
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 01, 10:25:50
Try putting up a burglar alarm.  If it will allow you to place it, then the game thinks it's indoors.


Title: Re: The Mysterious Barbeque
Post by: gali on 2005 October 01, 13:01:33
Yes, the barbeque is supposed to be only outdoors; I put it indoors once, and nobody could grill, because it caught a fire. I asked at the BBS then, and was told about it.

Title: Re: The Mysterious Barbeque
Post by: nectere on 2005 October 01, 15:07:27
In my experience using enclosed walls denotes an indoor space. i.e. all four walls that meet to form and enclosed space. This is evidenced by being able to put certain lights/hanging plants that only work indoors in these areas (ceiling lights and hanging plants)

I havent tested this theory out with half walls yet though.

Title: Re: The Mysterious Barbeque
Post by: noname on 2005 October 01, 15:52:26
Have you tried putting it on a rooftop or a non-walled terrace?

Title: Re: The Mysterious Barbeque
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 01, 16:41:14
I tried to put a grill indoors once before recolors because I had a black kitchen and the white stove didn't match and I didn't want to resort to the cheap and crappy black stove. I quickly learned the hard way grills indoors always = fires.  :P

One interesting thing to note is that this doesn't apply to community lots, where fires apparently can't happen, and you will even notice some grills indoors on some Maxis community lots like the grocery store downtown in NL for example. I suppose to get a grill to work indoors (or what the game thinks is indoors) on a residential lot you could always do the changelotzoning community cheat. Just make sure you do changelotzoning residential before you save and exit.