More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Kestran on 2005 October 01, 01:57:00

Title: version of Sims2Pack Clean Installer
Post by: Kestran on 2005 October 01, 01:57:00
Does it work with Nightlife? I ask because I really really really need it to install some walls I have. I am starting a fresh and have decided to put everything that will work in subfolders into subfollders and have things a bit organised but most walls I own need to be installed via the bodyshop installer and that dratted thing dumps everything into the downloads folder and marks it with unrecognisable numbers.

Title: Re: version of Sims2Pack Clean Installer
Post by: noname on 2005 October 01, 02:14:49
I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work with Nightlife. I've used it just fine to reorganise everything obsessively. Why do you need to install the walls with bodyshop installer?

Title: Re: version of Sims2Pack Clean Installer
Post by: nectere on 2005 October 01, 02:22:26
you must mean the sim2pack installer...

and to answer your question I am running S2PCI and it works fine with NL

Title: Re: version of Sims2Pack Clean Installer
Post by: Kestran on 2005 October 01, 02:28:51
My downloads need to be installed with Bodyshop installer because they aren't in .package form and as I don't have Clean Installer installed the Bodyshop installer is the only installer I have awailable to me. Until now. THANK YOU ;D


Um. Not that kind of woohoo, but the "i am so happy" kinda woohoo :D

Title: Re: version of Sims2Pack Clean Installer
Post by: gali on 2005 October 01, 07:02:17
I checked my downloads folder a few days ago with the Clean Installer - all went OK.

Title: Re: version of Sims2Pack Clean Installer
Post by: CynicalChick on 2005 October 01, 08:37:59
Sims2packs can be opened with the Clean Installer too. Just right click and "open with".