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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ScoobyDoo on 2007 April 26, 21:58:19

Title: Nuking werewolf wants/fears
Post by: ScoobyDoo on 2007 April 26, 21:58:19
This there a way to nuke ALL werewolf wants and fears.  My knowledge sims now seem to have a desire to become werewolves, worse yet they keep Hear Sim X howl at moon, when X is no longer a werewolf.  The last one doesn't seem to remember that it was cured either.  Zombies don't exist in pleasantville, and vampires are kept at bay but these blastest wolves and werewolves UGH.

Title: Re: Nuking werewolf wants/fears
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 April 27, 13:45:21
There's a hack that cuts down most of those wants and fears -- I'm not home so I can't check, but I think it's from Monique over at MTS2, maybe.

It doesn't, however, always fix the 'hear X howl' thing -- in my Strangetown (my test hood, mostly), I currently have at least 3 Knowledge sims who want to hear Vicund Curious howl, and he's been dead for close to a sim-week now.

Title: Re: Nuking werewolf wants/fears
Post by: Tamha on 2007 April 27, 20:16:14
Maybe it's their way of telling you they want to resurrect him, but not on their home lot. ;)

Title: Re: Nuking werewolf wants/fears
Post by: ScoobyDoo on 2007 April 28, 01:50:42
Well Squige made a hack to stop "want to become a werewolf"  I did some work, SimPE scripting is foreign to me, but I manage to figure out how he did it and cloned it to also include "nibble/turn someone into werewolf". 

The Howl is the problem one, it uses CT - Test - Behavior and thats beyond me how to fix.

Title: Re: Nuking werewolf wants/fears
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 April 28, 09:48:57
Howling  does not have a CT test (even though one is present in the BHAVs, it is not properly installed and does not respond to overrides).

Other issues pertaining to werewolf and supernatural obsessions are covered in wfsanity, an Unreleased Shiny.

Title: Re: Nuking werewolf wants/fears
Post by: ScoobyDoo on 2007 April 28, 21:17:01
I thought I read about that somewheres... Oh well..  :-[

btw will that want eventually get rolled out?  I don't mind the fear of hearing a howl cause I'd rather have that than a fear of a fire. (Chances of hearing werewolf = 0%, chances of fire > 0%) Its the want to hear someone howl that bugs me.