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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: KellyQ on 2005 September 30, 15:24:01

Title: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 September 30, 15:24:01
I have been reading posts regarding how much easier it is to resurrect dead relatives with the advent of NL so last night I decided that I would have Cassandra resurrect Mortimer and Bella; when I had her use the phone to call the Grim Reaper, only the Crumplebottoms showed in the panel for family to be resurrected. I looked at Cassandra's family tree and both Mortimer and Bella are still in colored, not greyed out, pictures. Then I remembered that when I installed the game, my daughter for whatever reason deleted Mortimer, so that would make sense because he didn't die, he got deleted but (this is the part I really hate to ask) what about Bella? Is she still shown in color because she's "missing" and not dead?
Another question, I can't resurrect anyone that Olive Spectre knew(she gets the message from the Grim Reaper, "you don't know anyone who died, keep it up and I might come visit you") is it because I deleted all the headstones? I had no problems resurrecting Skip Broke despite the fact there isn't a headstone for him.
Sorry if these are stupid questions but I really am just curious to know.

Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 September 30, 15:30:37
If you deleted all the headstones, the character data will have been lost and you won't be able to resurrect them.  The only way to get them back would be to reinstall the original Spectre lot over the top of the one that's there now, but you'd probably have to reinstate all the relationships. 

As for Bella, she can be resurrected without any difficulty.  I did it the hard way via SimPE before Uni, but with Uni it's easier.  You'll probably have to make her Unlinked in SimPE first, otherwise it should be the same as any other resurrection.  She still has an "I am Dead" token even though her picture isn't greyed-out ... don't suppose we'll ever find out the truth about this Bella business (probably because there is no truth "out there" to find).

Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 September 30, 15:41:53
Ok, that's pretty much what I thought (so I'm not as stupid as I thought I might be ;D) about the character data being lost, I kind of suspected that was the case. As for Bella, I have read so many posts about the "I am dead" token, I kind of took it for granted that she would be "dead" and had thought that she would be resurrectable in the game now. Oh well. I would love to be able to look over your shoulder Ancient Sim and see how you work all the ins and outs of Simpe :)

Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: laylei on 2005 September 30, 16:39:14
Actually, I tried resurrecting someone from Olive Specter's graveyard with the bone phone (all gravestones were present and unobstructed). I still got the "you don't know anyone" message and was unable to bring anyone back- even her dead husband!

Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: phyllis_p on 2005 September 30, 16:51:54
Prior to installing NL I went through and linked all the unlinked dead characters in Strangetown using SimPE.  Then I was able to resurrect them  (the ones with character data, anyway). A couple came back with no hair, but a quick trip to the mirror fixed that.  There were a couple who had no character data, and they still didn't show up on the bone phone, even though there were linked ... which makes sense.


Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: gali on 2005 September 30, 16:58:26
I am surprised - it has been discussed  already in TS2: you can't resurrect pre-made dead, only if they died when you played them (like Mortimer, Daniel Pleasant, etc).

The only one you can resurrect in Pleasantview is - Darleen Dreamer, the wife of Darren. Why? I don't know.

In Strangetown you can't resurrect anyone that died in the Olive's yard - only Olive, if she dies.
I revived Lila Grunt with the SimPe+teleporter (you have to remove the "I am dead" tokens from her memory, and any memory of her death in Buzz, Tank, or Ripp's memories).
I revived Bella too and married her to Mortie.

In Verinaville, you can resurrect 2 pre-made dead too.

Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 September 30, 17:13:02
I am surprised - it has been discussed  already in TS2: you can't resurrect pre-made dead, only if they died when you played them (like Mortimer, Daniel Pleasant, etc).

The only one you can resurrect in Pleasantview is - Darleen Dreamer, the wife of Darren. Why? I don't know.

In Strangetown you can't resurrect anyone that died in the Olive's yard - only Olive, if she dies.
I revived Lila Grunt with the SimPe+teleporter (you have to remove the "I am dead" tokens from her memory, and any memory of her death in Buzz, Tank, or Ripp's memories).
I revived Bella too and married her to Mortie.

In Verinaville, you can resurrect 2 pre-made dead too.

Yes, I realize it has been discussed in TS2 but since the advent of NL many people have discussed how it is now possible to resurrect sims that were previously not available to be resurrected e.g. Skip Broke.

Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 01, 02:27:35
ALL Sims with character data can be resurrected, with or without gravestones, and always could be.  All you do is go into SimPE and make them Linked instead of Unlinked.  You will see the relevant box if you bring up their character file.  That is all there is to it - once you've done that, they can be brought back.  I haven't heard that it's any easier with Nightlife, they still show as Unlinked in SimPE, which stops them from being resurrectable.  I've brought Skip Broke back twice in various experiments, once as an adult married to Brandi and once as a child.

Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 October 01, 04:54:21
hmmm...but before I installed NL, Brandi couldn't resurrect Skip with the Grim Reaper phone after I installed NL she could. I don't use Simpe because I don't feel confident messing with stuff I don't have the slightest clue how to use. Curiouser and curiouser.

Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: phyllis_p on 2005 October 01, 11:58:52
I believe there was a thread here somewhere by MaxoidTom that said there was a glitch in NL that made it able to resurrect unlinked characters, but that it will be fixed by the patch.  (Apparently resurrecting unlinked characters is a bad thing).  I'm too lazy to go find it, though.


Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: dizzy on 2005 October 01, 17:33:57
I suppose you're referring to this?


A related oddity is that now some of the sims in the Specter graveyard can be resurrected via the Grim Reaper phone. I don't know if I'd recommend it though. Willow & Creon Nigmos and Lyla Grunt came back totally bald. I was able to fix it with "change appearance" but I don't know if their files will fubar. Ichabod came back as a 159 year old elder.  :o And Willow & Creon come back as adults in elder skins and the only option to "change appearance" is for white hair. Even stranger, they all have complete personality files. I could have resurrected Olive's parents too if I wanted to. I wouldn't be suprised if Skip Broke could be resurrected too. I haven't tried him or any of the dead in Veronaville.

* Unfortunately we shipped some sims with some data that was not quite correct with respect to resurrection.  Those sims are supposed to be "unlinked," but were not marked correctly.
* The errors with the want simulator are innocuous for unique npcs.

Title: Re: A question I really hate to ask but.....
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 October 02, 05:22:01
Oh yes, I remember reading that also...I wonder what I have done to my game?  ???