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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: miros on 2007 April 14, 12:41:40

Title: Error from Pet Grave
Post by: miros on 2007 April 14, 12:41:40
I have a residential lot with 2 graves, one human, one pet.  I believe both died in the house and were dragged outside.  Every now and then I get an error about the pet.  I don't think any Sims were mourning at the grave at the time of the error. 

At the time of the attached log, the grave was "facing" and "near" the back of the lot.  It hasn't happened since I turned it around, but it doesn't happen very often anyhow.

Title: Re: Error from Pet Grave
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 April 14, 12:42:19
Random glitch, or Work of the Non-Awesome. Keep a note if it happens again.

Title: Re: Error from Pet Grave
Post by: Nec on 2007 April 14, 13:24:48
Most of my pet graves error because when they die, often the front of the grave is not the same as what the game thinks the front of the grave is. This is made worse when a pet grave is haunted, as it always turns it the opposite direction (180 deg.) after being haunted. Resetting the grave of a ghost that errors while it is haunting will turn it back the right direction. Funky pet graves seem to be the norm, unfortunately. I have had them disappear off of residential lots, so I move all of mine to an owned graveyard, as pet graves do not seem to be accessible in buy/build otherwise.

Title: Re: Error from Pet Grave
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 April 14, 13:26:55
Waving a twisted grave in and then out of the building by picking up and buy mode, waving it over an indoor area to cause it to turn into an urn, and then putting it back, tends to fix the twistedness.

Title: Re: Error from Pet Grave
Post by: miros on 2007 April 14, 19:08:38
Ah ha!  Thanks!