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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: JoJo on 2005 September 29, 08:51:39

Title: Pescado, you may be very interested in this.
Post by: JoJo on 2005 September 29, 08:51:39
      My wife was playing and noticed some new and bizzar options when clicking on a toddler in it's crib.  I have a feeling the phenemenon may be related to your fight club hack but in any case I thought that you would be interested in it and also probably the most qualified person to be able to provide an accurate explination of what is going on here.  I think the "Buy off for $50" menue option may be for police or social workers but I haven't played enough since I got NL to even speculate.  Also, fight a baby?..  seems very strange to me.  I have backed up the entire EA Games directory of the user account that this occured in so if you are interested you can get in touch with me if you would like me to send you certian files from in.  Check it out here:
          I have temporarily taken down what was on my sight to quickly put this up instead.  This thing amazes me for some reason and I think it may lead to a breakthrough (for someone who has the time).

Title: Re: Pescado, you may be very interested in this.
Post by: dusty on 2005 September 29, 09:08:26
just curious, did the toddler end up furious at her mother?

oh and the buy off option is for rivals - sims can pay their rivals to stop hassling them if they don't want to fight them.

Title: Re: Pescado, you may be very interested in this.
Post by: aussieone on 2005 September 29, 09:31:14
Oh well, what can you do? Give that baby heaps...chances are he/she might just win out in a fight  :P

Title: Re: Pescado, you may be very interested in this.
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 September 29, 17:41:02
The $50 buy off option is for a sim to pay off their enemy to leave them alone: so they won't knock over your garbage can the TEN times they walk past your house - day and night! It doesn't seem right that a baby or toddler would have this option, but then maybe the baby or toddler is REALLY pissed that their nappy didn't get changed promptly.  :o If you don't pay them off, they'll show you by playing in the toilet!  ;)

Title: Re: Pescado, you may be very interested in this.
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 September 29, 19:17:36
Yep, it's the new nightlife furious/rivals feature.

Btw, Jojo, I love the hair on your toddler. Where'd you get it?

Title: Re: Pescado, you may be very interested in this.
Post by: MaxisManiac on 2005 September 29, 21:05:04
This is happens in my game too, even when nobody is Furious at the baby. I'm not using any hacks at the moment either. Rather strange.

Title: Re: Pescado, you may be very interested in this.
Post by: JoJo on 2005 September 29, 23:11:25
Yes, The toddler was furious with the mother after the fight.

AS For the Hair:  The hair came with nightlife.  The hair that is pictured on the toddler, well it's the pajama version of the pigtails with the pink bandanna but If you want the one pictured on the toddler and not in the thumbnail on the toddler, PinkFloyd has it posted on MTS2 here:     It's the " [Testers Wanted]Hippy teen waist length hair with paisley headdress(2 colors)"   - That's the title of the thread and the toddler version is the same as pictured on that toddler in my pick but it always stays that way no matter what clothes they're wearing...  And it comes in Blonde and Brown  (Pink Floyd released this far before Maxis had it in the game, So I guess the Maxoids are pirates.)
    Simmiecal, thank you for clearing that up for me.  Yeah, it is strange to have that with toddlers.  Well, not that that's cleared up I'm going to put my websight back to how it was before, eventually.