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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: IgnorantBliss on 2005 September 29, 04:07:21

Title: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2005 September 29, 04:07:21
I already posted this request on another forum but it received no interest, so I thought I'd post it here.

I have not seen a hack or a request for this before, so I thought I'd ask if it would be possible to make a hack that prevents sims from forgetting their food into the oven while cooking. My sims seem to get constantly distracted by something else, or even leave for class, and end up burning the food unless I keep an eye on them constantly. You also can't pile up any actions on their queue for after cooking or there'll be a fire.

You're probably busy updating your hacks for Nightlife right now, but if you have time and interest for this in the future, I'd appreciate it.

(And before anyone says the title of this post is politically incorrect and making fun of people with ADD, the title is a reference to my dear ADD husband who cooks just like my sims and will likely burn down our apartment at some point. Unfortunately no sprinklers are available IRL.)

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: Ness on 2005 September 29, 05:19:40
you're not alone there - I'd love a hack that stops them wandering off with pork chops in the oven...  it might also make their autonomous choices to cook lobster thermidor a little less dangerous!


Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: gali on 2005 September 29, 06:01:59
Lol, if I don't watch the cooking sim, almost always the food is burned...:).

But I found a tactics: I put my pointer on the stove, and each time the pointer is a "star" (*), I order the sim to "resume cooking", which keeps him occupied with the cooking, without being able to be distracted.

...Although, just today my female sim, even with this tactics, burned the Lobster Termidor 3 times (!), and her husband "staffed face" in the fridge...:). She almost killed them from hunger...:). So, I gave them to eat the burned food, as a lecture...:). Shame on her...:).

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: Andygal on 2005 September 29, 06:04:32
my sims always have to eat food that they burn. You burn it, you eat it, is my rule.

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: Hook on 2005 September 29, 06:04:45
But I found a tactics: I put my pointer on the stove, and each time the pointer is a "star" (*), I order the sim to "resume cooking", which keeps him occupied with the cooking, without being able to be distracted.

I think I'd just pause the game and queue up two or three Resume Cooking actions, then unpause.  This should keep the Sim at the stove without extra micromanagement.


Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: gali on 2005 September 29, 06:08:40
But I found a tactics: I put my pointer on the stove, and each time the pointer is a "star" (*), I order the sim to "resume cooking", which keeps him occupied with the cooking, without being able to be distracted.

I think I'd just pause the game and queue up two or three Resume Cooking actions, then unpause.  This should keep the Sim at the stove without extra micromanagement.


Hook, I think your tactics is better than mine...:). Have to try it...:).

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2005 September 29, 08:00:14
Yeah, it's especially annoying when sims with full cooking skill keep autonomously making Lobster Thermidor all the time, especially because that meal has a higher failure rate to begin with.

I'll have to try piling up the Resume Cooking action. It would still be nice if I didn't need to wait for the sim to start cooking to line up more actions.

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: U_Dog_U on 2005 September 29, 08:16:01
My solution was to use the University Shinytyme cooktop in place of a regular stove. Sims don't leave something that's cooking on top of a stove but the drawback is that they can't cook foods that require an oven.

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: dizzy on 2005 September 29, 13:23:29
Just make them Grilled Cheese aspiration and replace the stove with a toaster oven. That'll fix it.  ;)

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2005 September 29, 13:42:47
True, I could use the top-only stove, and I already did that in one college residence. I still like having the rest of the cooking choices, too, though. Only grilled cheese might get monotonous over time though  :D.

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: Motoki on 2005 September 29, 14:41:27
LOL My nannies always do this. It has been a source of several fires.  :o

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: Azkar on 2005 September 29, 21:25:57
Hmm .. my solution is to remove free will.  They always stand obediently at the oven when free will is off ;).

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 September 30, 00:03:11
my sims always have to eat food that they burn. You burn it, you eat it, is my rule.

I play my sims with a hard fist like that too.  You burn it, you eat it.  You clog it, you unclog it.  You break it, you fix it.  Oh, the stereo electricuted you because your mechanical skill is low?  Too bad!  You shouldn't have broken it in the first place!.  Maybe 120 volts running through your arm will teach you next time!  >:E

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 September 30, 00:11:41
Hmm .. my solution is to remove free will.  They always stand obediently at the oven when free will is off ;).

Yep. I also find that free will screws with the "Eat" macrotastic. Anytime I play a game where I actually want to get anything done, I nix free will.

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: LFox on 2005 September 30, 07:41:22
This is easy solved with macrotastics.  Click your sim and tell them to procrastinate they'll stand around stretching and what not until the food is ready then they'll automatically grab it out of the stove.  The downside is you can't queue up actions after it but at least the food is going to turn into a giant ball of flames.

Title: Re: Request: Non-ADD Cooking Hack
Post by: DrBeast on 2005 September 30, 11:42:12
Hmm .. my solution is to remove free will. They always stand obediently at the oven when free will is off ;).

Free will is off 24-7 in my game. Watched a friend of mine play the game with free will on and after 10 minutes I had an incessant urge to throw the PC out the window! Whenever his sims put something in the oven they'd draw the mp3 player or handheld out their ass and almost always burn the food! I still can't figure out how he could play the darn game without ANY hacks or mods WHATSOEVER! NONE!