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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: rickzoe on 2007 April 08, 12:28:31

Title: requests
Post by: rickzoe on 2007 April 08, 12:28:31
i've looked through the forums and don't see any place for requests.  did i over look a section?  or may i not make a request?  specifically, i'd like to make a request to Crammyboy (are you there?)


Title: Re: requests
Post by: Gwill on 2007 April 08, 12:30:22
There is no requests section.  I don't think anyone her takes requests.

Title: Re: requests
Post by: rickzoe on 2007 April 08, 13:15:19
oh well, thought i'd ask.  thanks for replying Gwill!

Title: Re: requests
Post by: Diala on 2007 April 08, 20:24:09
You can try PMing him, but don't expect him to do it.