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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ness on 2007 April 08, 07:26:03

Title: Sending townie teens to uni
Post by: Ness on 2007 April 08, 07:26:03
I know there has been the odd thread on this in the past, but I'm hoping that we can eventually track down the reason for the problem and hopefully find a solution.

Consider - new hood, created with SaraMK's empty templates.  Townies created via testingcheats option on the letterbox.  NPCs are generated on demand.

The neighbourhood "send sims to uni" menu shows playables and the paper deliverer only.

After generating downtownies the same way (through the letterbox), I find that downtownie sims CAN be sent to uni via the neighbourhood menu option.

The questions that need to be answered so far as I see it - just what is broken about creating townies in such a manner, and is there a way to generate townies (apart from one-by-one in CAS) that DOES allow the teen townies thus created to be sent to uni.

I haven't added a BWV to the hood yet, and I don't think I want to, so I'm not sure if the teens attached there will be able to be sent to uni or not.

Does anyone have further information/ideas that can be added to the above?

Title: Re: Sending townie teens to uni
Post by: Diala on 2007 April 08, 07:52:58
Have you checked the neighborhood via SimPE or similar to see if any regular townie teens have been generated?

Title: Re: Sending townie teens to uni
Post by: Ness on 2007 April 08, 08:04:17
I have seasons and thus have no simpe.

I know for a fact that regular townie teens were created, as one of my playables was going steady with one of them, and another three had been brought home from school.  None of these sims could be seen in the send sims to uni menu.  Just the three playables and one NPC.

I have in the past checked teens affected like this in an old hood - there was no discernible difference between those that could go and those that can't.  The only difference I've found so far is townies can't and downtownies can.

Title: Re: Sending townie teens to uni
Post by: Gwill on 2007 April 08, 09:23:40
You can use SimPE even if you have seasons.  You shouldn't make any changes in certain areas, but it's perfectly safe to open a neigbourhood to look at it.

Title: Re: Sending townie teens to uni
Post by: Ness on 2007 April 08, 09:34:14
ok, any suggestions on what I should be looking for with those townie sims in simpe?  I suppose one solution might be to make the townie sims into downtownie sims, but I'd have no idea how to go about doing that without summoning every single one of them with the ingelogical shrub.

Title: Re: Sending townie teens to uni
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 April 08, 09:38:55
I think the first thing to do is to make sure the teens are actually marked as teens in SimPE. I read somewhere that batch-creating townies can cause weird things to happen. In fact I think there was a thread here somewhere with someone having a problem sending townie teens to college too. A quick search didn't bring it up, but I'm almost positive it was here in Podium or You Broke It.

Nevermind, here:


Title: Re: Sending townie teens to uni
Post by: Ness on 2007 April 08, 09:51:55
And my original thread reporting the problem in December...

I've used workarounds to get the two teens into uni that I was interested in, I'll start checking simpe when I locate another.

ETA: Target located - Jill Sims.  Does NOT show up in the send sims to uni menu.

Family instance: 0x7FFE
Treat as: Female
Life section: Teen
Remaining days: 14
Species: Human
School type: Public
Grade: C

Checking in simpe, I find that the downtownies that can be sent have days remaining as 0.  Which would appear to be a possible solution, except for the fact that the NPC that can be sent also has days remaining set at 14.

Title: Re: Sending townie teens to uni
Post by: Ness on 2007 April 08, 11:17:54
Double posting because the modify button is lagging like mad.

I borked the hood in simpe - not sure what I did, but after I'd been in there, the hood wouldn't load, and would completely terminate the program.

I've now been through 3 test hoods checking out the problem.

Hood 1:  Townies created, Uni attached, townies could go to uni.
Hood 2:  Uni attached, Townies created, townies could go to uni.
Hood 3:  Uni created, Uni played for a bit, townies created, townies could not go to uni.

The key seems to be in whether the uni has been played before the townies are created (which is what I had done with my now dearly departed hood).  Can anyone confirm the situation with Hood 3, to see if this problem is reproducible?

Title: Re: Sending townie teens to uni
Post by: JenW on 2007 April 09, 02:28:49
I tested Ness' scenario #3, and I got the same results. I played a Sim through uni, created townies, then went back to the uni. No teens were available to send to college.