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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Flamingo on 2007 April 03, 00:35:12

Title: Garden Club Error
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 April 03, 00:35:12
I really have no idea what could be causing this, and the only hacks I have that I think would affect this are by Pescado. I was having my Sims' garden reviewed and just before it seems they finished, this error pops up and screws up everything. Either way, if anyone could help me make any sense of this it would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 April 03, 00:47:02
This is a LUA-contained error. We don't presently have a method of identifying those. It may be due to the use of CC plants.

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 April 03, 01:24:45
Okay, thank you. At least it should be simple to fix if it is indeed caused by CC plants. So this is just Maxis EA sucking then?

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: dizzy on 2007 April 03, 02:11:31
Actually, it would be a bit more helpful if we knew what object id 832 was. You seem to have cropped that out of the log, however.

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 April 03, 02:21:36
I remember reading somewhere that anymore than a couple of lines is typically all that's needed when posting error logs, and the rest is just a waste. I'm guessing that the object is a snap dragon, but I'll upload the entire log for you.

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 April 03, 02:32:37
I had a problem with the Garden Club and Inge's 'days left' shrub -- crashed the game to the desktop when they tried to inspect it.  Removed it, and the inspection went fine.  I'm guessing most CC garden stuff would cause problems with the GC for now, at least until the creators update the cc for Seasons.

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: dizzy on 2007 April 03, 06:16:01
I have no idea what the problem is, but at least I just learned how to do a proper table search with Lua.  ;D

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: Nec on 2007 April 03, 06:39:12
I actually have a ton of cc garden stuff, and it was inspected successfully. Even got points for them. I imagine that perhaps hacked plants, such as the things stay shrub, may be the real culprit? I do have the teleporter plus, but I can't recall at the moment if it has been on a lot that has been inspected. It may be, but if it is on the lot I am thinking of, it is behind a short flowerbed-type fence and has daisies under it as well, so they get the "can't go there" thought bubble and move on.

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 April 03, 11:44:31
I have no idea what the problem is, but at least I just learned how to do a proper table search with Lua.  ;D
Do share.

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: dizzy on 2007 April 03, 13:13:24
Lua doesn't have a normal "in" operator, so you set up tables in a particular way:

t = {[3517]=1;[-7502]=2;[8559931]=3}

If you imagine the numbers in the brackets as GUID values, this makes it easy to find one.

x = some GUID value
if t[x] then ...

A non-nil value indicates that name has some value, and if you use that value you could do something like this:

v = t[x]

So, in this example, if x was -7502 then v would be 2.

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 April 03, 23:36:15
Indeed, this problem was fixed after the removal of some rather sketchy trees that came packaged with the house I was playing. It could possibly have been the combination of garden-related content I removed as well, but either way, it worked. The atrocious wait time to audition for the garden club again was way too long for my tastes, but that's another story.

Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: syberspunk on 2007 April 04, 03:05:33
can you split the lua post off and move it into the Bowels of Trogdor?  Any plans on releasing some Lua tutorials?  *nudge*nudge*wink*wink*hint*hint* :D


Title: Re: Garden Club Error
Post by: dizzy on 2007 April 04, 13:44:08
Lua is far too simple to require a tutorial. This should suffice: