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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: mysimsreality on 2007 April 01, 09:25:46

Title: Photo booth photos develop as black silhouettes
Post by: mysimsreality on 2007 April 01, 09:25:46
I've been having problems taking photo booth pictures even before Pets came out; the problem has persisted regardless of whether or not the Radiance Light System (either version) is installed. I thought that now that I have a clean game (I recently reinstalled) it would go away --- it hasn't.

I have all the eps and stuff packs and GunMod's Camera Mod installed. No Scriptorium either. And if it helps, I can also see aquarium fish. Thanks in advance.

I searched the section for information on this specific problem and found this thread ( I was just going to ask at the thread itself but when I tried to do that it suggested I start a new topic because the thread was old.

Title: Re: Photo booth photos develop as black silhouettes
Post by: maxon on 2007 April 01, 09:44:14
Well, it sounds like the game is not picking up the pictures of your sims to put into the photobooth picture templates.

Title: Re: Photo booth photos develop as black silhouettes
Post by: mysimsreality on 2007 April 02, 09:28:13
Well, it sounds like the game is not picking up the pictures of your sims to put into the photobooth picture templates.

Thanks for the explanation --- is there a way to fix the problem?