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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Lelani on 2007 March 24, 02:47:50

Title: Hire Employees Errors
Post by: Lelani on 2007 March 24, 02:47:50
First off, I have all expansion packs up to Pets-- only the Bodyshop is patched. I have JM's Director's Cut hacks installed. I also have hacks by TwoJeffs, Monique, and Squinge.

Problem: Everytime my sim tries to hire employees, whether over the phone or computer, I get errors.

I removed all hacks, test played the game and there were no errors when hiring employees. Afterwards, I reinstalled only the Director hacks and the errors returned. I have no clue what could be causing the problem so any help would be appreciated.

Also, about the hiring pool. I now mostly recieve Uni students for possible hires. It was my understanding they couldn't work. In the event this problem is cleared up, is it okay to hire them?

Title: Re: Hire Employees Errors
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 24, 03:44:16
Showing us the errors might be helpful, because otherwise "I got errors" tell us SFA.

Title: Re: Hire Employees Errors
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 24, 04:18:46
Fixed relevantwages for pre-Seasons games.