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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: wexworth on 2007 March 21, 14:45:02

Title: walk-bys in work clothes?
Post by: wexworth on 2007 March 21, 14:45:02
I feel more stupid than usual because I just noticed that all the walk-bys are wearing work clothes exclusively (except's only playables that do it).  I don't know when it started, so no way to try to back track and figure out what caused the changed.

I am only running the base game and don't have any clothing-specific mods.  Has anyone had this problem and/or have a clue what might be causing it?

Title: Re: walk-bys in work clothes?
Post by: Nec on 2007 March 21, 16:02:01
If that is what they were wearing when you last left their lot, that is what they will be in until you go back and change them into everyday. Also, I believe if they are brought home from work as a friend, they will stay in their work clothes until you load their lot again.