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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: bowrain on 2007 March 18, 09:06:09

Title: Need help decoding XA
Post by: bowrain on 2007 March 18, 09:06:09
I'm trying to get the songs from splash.package, but when I extracted them using SimPE, they're not in mp3 form, but in XA format I believe. Then I tried to decode them using xantippe, but the result is far from good, the songs were ringing and sound distorted.....

so anyone can point me to the right direction on how to decode them properly? I think the game has the decoder somewhere since it can play the music perfectly, is there a way to 'extract' the decoder from the game?

thanks in advance

Title: Re: Need help decoding XA
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 18, 09:25:43
There doesn't seem to be much of an interest in extracting such things, and I know of no utility which does this. The usual method of doing this is to take a wire, plug one end into the speaker port, and the other end into the microphone port, then hit Record and cause the game to play the sound.

Title: Re: Need help decoding XA
Post by: Venusy on 2007 March 18, 10:06:01
Or use Audacity, select Stereo Mix on the Mixer Toolbar, and hit record (do this if you don't have a microphone).

When I ued Xantippe, it always decoded a WAV file that sounded correct, so I'm not sure what the problem in the OP is.

Title: Re: Need help decoding XA
Post by: bowrain on 2007 March 18, 12:50:28
I was thinking that I'll record them if there's no other option... I agree that nobody seems interested in this except me though:D

Actually some of the tracks decoded with xantippe do sounds ok, but most of them sounds bad, especially OFB and Seasons ones..... :P

anyway thanks for your help ;)

Title: Re: Need help decoding XA
Post by: dizzy on 2007 March 18, 19:08:58
The problem is that XA is an unknown (and not that well documented), just like so many idiotic things that EA does to their games. They can't make their formats work right, and you can't fix them because you can't even use them the way you want.

Title: Re: Need help decoding XA
Post by: bowrain on 2007 March 19, 03:46:44
hey I found a solution... Someone at MTS2 told me to get Game Audio Player and it works perfectly ;D way better and faster than xantippe  :D

ok then, thanks to all of you for trying to help me  ;)