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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: cyperangel on 2007 March 17, 14:49:47

Title: new rig, radeon x1950pro, but only two screensizes in sims?
Post by: cyperangel on 2007 March 17, 14:49:47
Hi there.

I just got my new computer home. It works fine, except when im playing sims. For some oddball reason it will only let me choose between an 800x600 screen res, and a 1224x768 resolution. And thats it. Now, i also just got myself a new monitor, and can run the desktop at 1680x1050, so i would very much like to be able to play the sims at a higher res.

Ive installed the latest catalyst drivers from the ATI website, Ive just reinstalled windows on this baby, got two gigs of ram, and a 3000 mhz cpu, so its not power im missing.

Anyone that can kick me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance

Title: Re: new rig, radeon x1950pro, but only two screensizes in sims?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 March 17, 15:29:59
I hate sending folks there, but there's instructions on the the official BBS on how to add the widescreen setting to your game. Just do a search on 'widescreen' there. I did it on my laptop, and remember that it involves editing one of the graphic definition files in the program directories, but don't remember the exact steps, so I don't want to give you half-remembered info and make you break your game :).

Title: Re: new rig, radeon x1950pro, but only two screensizes in sims?
Post by: cyperangel on 2007 March 17, 15:42:33
Thanks :)

I guess id best go find the bottle of eyebleach and the towels to stop my eyes bleeding and my brain melting out my ears, when i go there...

THanks tho :)

Title: Re: new rig, radeon x1950pro, but only two screensizes in sims?
Post by: cyperangel on 2007 March 17, 16:37:47
Sadly that dont really seem to do the trick. ive edited both the definitions files, as well as added the boolprop shaders thingie to userstartup, and i now neither got shaders, nor more than two resolutions. Still the same problem.

Any other shots? Im game.

Title: Re: new rig, radeon x1950pro, but only two screensizes in sims?
Post by: cyperangel on 2007 March 18, 19:58:27
righto, in case anyone else gets this problem.

First off, i had the trouble of only having two screen sizes to choose from in sims. Secondly, snow wouldnt show, and i had the option of snow on the ground, but every time i set it to on, it would jump back to off and mock me.
Solution: Use the omega drivers instead of the catalyst thingies, and, reinstall seasons after reinstalling drivers. I now have lots of screen resolutions to choose from, as well as snow on the ground. Now all i gotta do is figure out how to get rid of that danged stuck penguin without bombing the whole lot.