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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Persephone on 2007 March 16, 13:07:15

Title: Anyone know of a visitor clothing change hack that works in seasons?
Post by: Persephone on 2007 March 16, 13:07:15
I'm looking for something that forces changing into formal/swimwear etc on a residential lot for guests that works with seasons.  I have the lot controller, love it, but apparently the clothing paintings work only on comerical.  I've visited some of the old solutions I tried but they don't work in seasons. 

Title: Re: Anyone know of a visitor clothing change hack that works in seasons?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2007 March 16, 13:48:49
The VC paintings used to work on residential, because I used them before.  I haven't used them in Seasons though.  Have you asked TJ?

Title: Re: Anyone know of a visitor clothing change hack that works in seasons?
Post by: Persephone on 2007 March 16, 13:51:07
No, but I tried them and they didn't do it.

Title: Re: Anyone know of a visitor clothing change hack that works in seasons?
Post by: nocomment on 2007 March 16, 14:32:11
I've been using Fat D's clothes controller:

I don't have Season't yet, so I haven't been able to check for compatibility.  Maybe you could check it out and let me know if it works.   ;)

On a more serious note, I think it should work.  It won't have the new Outwear category, but it should work for everything else.

Title: Re: Anyone know of a visitor clothing change hack that works in seasons?
Post by: Persephone on 2007 March 16, 14:48:10
Ooo good something I haven't tried yet.  I'll let ya know.

It says its incompatible with seasons.  I'll still try it though.


It did work in Seasons!  I don't know if there's any other problems besides no option for outerwear, but I don't care, they dress themselves in that anyway.  Thanks alot, now I have an easier way to get party guests out of stupid clothes and into swimwear at poolparties (aside from begging each one to play marco polo!)

Title: Re: Anyone know of a visitor clothing change hack that works in seasons?
Post by: dizzy on 2007 March 16, 18:47:30
However, that controller isn't compatible with APO.

Title: Re: Anyone know of a visitor clothing change hack that works in seasons?
Post by: Sagana on 2007 March 18, 10:59:31
TwoJeffs aren't working? I've got them in but haven't actually tried them yet.

In any case, you can also use Monique's computer to do this. It's not as cool as the VC, but works on both residential and commercial lots. In the 'shop online' for clothes menu, there's an option to change into <whichever category> <everyone on the lot>