More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Peasantry => Topic started by: Nec on 2007 March 15, 18:30:30

Title: University Properties NEW!
Post by: Nec on 2007 March 15, 18:30:30
This is the first in a series of Uni properties I am making that are specifically geared to maximize the efficiency of College Rampage, and skilling. They are all ACR and nouniprotect friendly as well. They are all going to be classified as residential lots until you changelotzoning dorm in the cheat window. I did it this way specifically so the downloader could redecorate, decorate, and landscape as they saw fit.

All lots are lot files only, but do have bathroomusesyou, collegeclock, FFSlotdebugger, macrotastics launcher (, and kickthecheat ( on them, so if you have all of these in your downloads folder they will show up :)

There is no custom content included in the lot, it is built with only Maxis stuff - other than what I mentioned above.
 Here is a link ( to a folder with five images of the first lot. I will add other lots as I finish them.

All lots are not played, but are extensively play tested. All lots are completely furnished. The most important part is the actual layout of the furnishings on the first floor, and bathroom/room placement. That is what the purpose of me building these are, so rearranging the furniture defeats the purpose :P

ALL LOTS REQUIRE: Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, and Seasons. May require more, check new posts. FT get hacks HERE (

Enjoy :)

First lot: Dorm 6-7 rooms, 3x3 lot. There is ample room in the backyard for a large pond, garden, or any other large outdoor items you may want to add. Easy to rearrange the bedrooms to create fewer and larger rooms, or make more space for career rewards or crafting tables.

ETA more descriptive stuff, and bold stuff.

Title: Re: University Properties
Post by: dizzy on 2007 March 15, 20:00:28
Any pics? Oops, just now noticed the link.

Title: Re: University Properties
Post by: Nec on 2007 March 15, 20:35:34
Any pics? Oops, just now noticed the link.

I probably should have bolded it in the first place  ::)

Title: Re: University Properties
Post by: Madame Mim on 2007 March 16, 22:56:09
What is kickthecheat, please?

Title: Re: University Properties
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 March 16, 22:58:24
What is kickthecheat, please?

Title: Re: University Properties
Post by: Madame Mim on 2007 March 17, 09:16:03
Ah, OK. I don't quite know what to say about that one. Something between 'Awesome!' and 'Please step away from the computer with your hands in the air'.

I think I shall have to download it - purely for further research, you understand.

Title: Re: University Properties
Post by: cenoura on 2007 April 14, 15:49:55
Looks good, but why are the non Uni EPs needed?

Title: Re: University Properties
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2007 April 14, 16:19:56
Because they use stuff from each expansion.

Title: Re: University Properties
Post by: cenoura on 2007 April 14, 16:28:53
Dang. Any idea if they're still useable in a Uni + NL setup? Don't mind that there's content missing, I just want the basic building and features.

Title: Re: University Properties
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2007 April 14, 22:20:46
It is safe to say that no, it shan't work.

It will probably crash your game when you try to use them.

Title: Re: University Properties
Post by: Nec on 2008 March 04, 08:16:51
12 room dorm, all awesomeware.

REQUIRES: Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, and probably requires all stuff packs. Floor 2 is not furnished exactly as in the picture, as I added FT stuff. Is packaged as residential lot so you can change stuff. Follow directions in post 1, and please make sure to load the lot at least once after changing to dorm before moving in any sims. I made and packaged this lot pre-FT, so it will not be required.
Lot has been play tested for months, packaged lot is unplayed.


