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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sanmonroe on 2005 September 26, 15:19:57

Title: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: sanmonroe on 2005 September 26, 15:19:57
I need to start wearing a wetsuit.

Phonehack in update testing!!!

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: gali on 2005 September 26, 15:45:22
What about "unsubcribe" - I am tired to delete the newspapers with 'moveobjects on'...:). I don't see it on the list.

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: sanmonroe on 2005 September 26, 15:47:45
I just use moveobjects to put 3 of them under the house, then no more come.

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: gali on 2005 September 26, 16:18:03
Oh, I had it working in Uni, but deleted it when I installed NL. Is it updated for NL too?

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: cyperangel on 2005 September 26, 22:18:15
Heh, i have the maid clean out the old newspapers. I cant think of one family, that does not have a maid comming around each day...

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 26, 23:05:12
Heh, i have the maid clean out the old newspapers. I cant think of one family, that does not have a maid comming around each day...

There you go - hire a maid and don't ever had to worry about the newspaper again.  The unsubscribe hack was a neat concept but I had some obsessive compulsive sims who kept wanting to clean up the paper airplanes.  Once they did they, I would start getting newspapers again.

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 September 26, 23:20:12
It helps to bury the airplanes under the foundation. Maids don't mess with airplanes and burial under the foundation will stop your sims from ever touching them. Burying newspapers under the foundation doesn't quite produce the same benefits because the maid will fuss over those old newspapers buried there.

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: Diala on 2005 September 26, 23:30:23
I don't care for newspapers, so I usually bury them under the foundation (like many people do), or place them under trees in non-foundation houses using moveobjects, then put fencing around the trees so other Sims don't go and pick them up. (yes, they CAN pick them up from under trees, unfortunately) I didn't have the unsubscribe hack, because I don't hire maids: I make Sims clean their own houses for cleaning points.

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 October 02, 08:51:25
The hack makes so much more sence now.  I was thinking,but I don't want to have three airplanes sitting around(defeats the purpose)Never thought of putting them out of sight--duh!!)Life makes sence again!!!  I like the new feature in the game--enemy steals paper--and especially when the resident yells at them.  I was going to have someone throw the paper away on several occations and someone came by and stole it---No really--Thank you!!

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 02, 10:16:33
Yeah, I just bury like two airplanes under the foundation, then save a newspaper inside on the offchance I need the debug functions provided by a newspaper, or a newspaper for anything.

Dunno why Sims are so worked up about stealing a newspaper. I mean, if you don't like somebody, I think the last thing you're going to do is sneak up at NIGHT and STEAL HIS GARBAGE.

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: Giggy on 2005 October 02, 12:16:12
Ok if a newspaper comes just do what other people do. Throw it in the trash and hell its the only way to get nusenses and also a maid for those lazy people who dont bother to call one.
(Sorry 4 my mark there but I'm new here)

Title: Re: Dr Boris just made me mess my pants.
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 02, 18:01:48
Whenever a sim steals someone's newspaper, I think: "Hey! That's MY free subscription!"