More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Saline on 2007 March 14, 00:42:29

Title: Smart Milk Bug
Post by: Saline on 2007 March 14, 00:42:29
I have this little bug in my game that never happened before Seasons. I have been trying to use the smart milk. But after the first bottle is made, I'm unable to make another. I click on the object that makes Smart Milk and the pie menu comes up with the option to "Make Smart Milk". When I click on it, the command vanishes and my sims never do it. I've tried two different lots and it happens in both.

I have from Base Game through Seasons and primarily Awesome hacks. 

Cheesecake Twins - 50%,
being the only hacks that deal with babies directly.


EDIT: I also have the ffsdebugger. I'm gonna use that and see what happens.

Title: Re: Smart Milk Bug
Post by: MsMaria on 2007 March 15, 02:27:54
I had the same problem, but with Pets. I removed Two Jeffs No Smart Milk Drag and the Baby Controller and the problem went away. I assumed it was a conflict between the two as I don't believe they should be used together.(My bad for not RTFM).

Title: Re: Smart Milk Bug
Post by: Saline on 2007 March 16, 23:58:15
I don't have the Baby Controller, but I'll take out the nosmartmilkdrag.

Title: Re: Smart Milk Bug
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 March 17, 00:04:30
just to be clear  ;)

nosmartmilkdrag = JM

No Smart Milk Drag = twojeffs

Title: Re: Smart Milk Bug
Post by: Saline on 2007 March 17, 06:06:33
I just noticed that.  :p I took out J.M Pescados' and I'm gonna try with TJs' Smart Milk Drag hack.

And I just downloaded No Baby Toddler Swarming. I'm working to get to a lot with toddlers. The Lot Syncer is dictating, and hopefully always will, how i play.

Title: Re: Smart Milk Bug
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 17, 06:13:32
No FFS hack conflicts with any other FFS hack, they all work as a single package, namely, in my game. Mixing and matching is dicey.