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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nocomment on 2007 March 13, 09:38:35

Title: Downloading Seasons' outfit recolors before getting Seasons - safe?
Post by: nocomment on 2007 March 13, 09:38:35
Caution:  Genius at work.  I downloaded some recolors of Seasons clothes.  I put them in my download folder and unzipped.  So efficient!

I don't have Seasons yet.  *Sigh* 

This should be safe, shouldn't it?  The recols just won't show up.  I can go and move the recols out, but I'd rather just leave them if it's safe.

Title: Re: Downloading Seasons' outfit recolors before getting Seasons - safe?
Post by: spookymuffin on 2007 March 13, 09:43:22
Why did you put them in your Downloads folder? why not just keep them on the desktop or something until you get Seasons?
If you're lucky it will just react to them in the same way it reacts to custom clothes without a mesh

Title: Re: Downloading Seasons' outfit recolors before getting Seasons - safe?
Post by: jrd on 2007 March 13, 09:55:49
Safe. If they appear at all, they'll just have the wrong meshes. And if they're outerwear, you cannot see them at all.

Title: Re: Downloading Seasons' outfit recolors before getting Seasons - safe?
Post by: nocomment on 2007 March 13, 12:00:54
That's a relief, thanks.

I put them in my downloads folder because I was also loading non-Seasons stuff.  It was only after I was done that I realized how silly I was.  Luckily, only a few clothing items were Seasons recolors, and they were outerwear.

Title: Re: Downloading Seasons' outfit recolors before getting Seasons - safe?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 15, 10:31:04
Meshless recolors simply don't appear. Recolorless meshes don't appear either. Either way, they can't be used and are harmless. Mostly.

Title: Re: Downloading Seasons' outfit recolors before getting Seasons - safe?
Post by: Ambular on 2007 March 15, 20:32:07
Meshless recolors simply don't appear. Recolorless meshes don't appear either. Either way, they can't be used and are harmless. Mostly.

But they'll still be read by the game, if not actually loaded, yes?  So a little extra useless load time?  But probably not enough to worry about.