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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Soylent Sim on 2007 March 09, 20:16:59

Title: Community lots are supposed to reflect seasons, right?
Post by: Soylent Sim on 2007 March 09, 20:16:59
Most of the seasons bugs I'm seeing here are crash-related, so I'm guessing my particular issue hasn't been handled.  I have a few community lots where no matter what season it is in the house I'm setting out from, the ground is still covered with snow and snow-related activities still show.  The season clock still shows the proper season and activities appropriate to that season show as well (butterflies and playing catch, for example.)  I'm going to experiment a bit tomorrow to see if I can find out what causes this, but I wonder if anyone here can give me a heads up what to look for.

Unfortunately, there is no error log to attach.  Nothing pops up in debug mode, and my logs folder is empty.

Title: Re: Community lots are supposed to reflect seasons, right?
Post by: MyPrecious on 2007 March 10, 02:51:47
I had this too but with just one house, I resorted to re-installing the NH I had saved before installing seasons and started again. Since posting I have thought back and although I moved the family out and back in while there was snow on the ground I have remembered I was running in debug  and I'm sure I got an error that I reset, but I would have assumed it was a Sim but maybe it was a weather glich? 

All I have found is 3 object error logs to that NH and this one is the only one mentioning the weather (the other two are for the dogs and behaviour on the borked house). I have no clue if this helps as I can not make any sense out it. (The date is wrong-should be 06/03/07 )

at Jan 25 2007,22:24:47

Object id: 329
name: Controller - Climate
Stack size: 4
Error: Slot number out of range.
Iterations: 980
  Frame 3:
    Stack Object id: 1194
    Stack Object name: Tree - Magnolia
    Node: 4
    Tree: id 8193 name 'CT - Do Lightning Strike' version -32754
    from TreeGlobals
    Prim state: 0
    Params: 30    Locals: 0 0
  Frame 2:
    Stack Object id: 1194
    Stack Object name: Tree - Magnolia
    Node: 10
    Tree: id 4116 name 'Lightning - Localized' version -32747
    from Controller_Climate
    Prim state: 1
    Params:    Locals: 0 0 2 0 1 5
  Frame 1:
    Stack Object id: 329
    Stack Object name: Controller - Climate
    Node: 6
    Tree: id 4144 name 'Lightning' version -32744
    from Controller_Climate
    Prim state: 0
    Params: 10    Locals: 3 2 0
  Frame 0:
    Stack Object id: 329
    Stack Object name: Controller - Climate
    Node: 32
    Tree: id 4096 name 'Function - Main' version 103
    from Controller_Climate
    Prim state: 0
    Params:    Locals: 30

Title: Re: Community lots are supposed to reflect seasons, right?
Post by: cwykes on 2007 March 11, 11:53:53
I have a board friend who had the season get messed up in a similar way Skoobykat moved the family out of a lot, put the empty lot in the lot bin and placed it in another hood.  In the new hood, the indicator said it was summer and the trees agreed, but the snow on the ground wouldn't go away and the sims were overheating making snowmen. 

Were the community lots owned or unowned?  Had you moved them at all?  For what it's worth Maxis know something is buggy about owned business lots.
MaxoidSam says
"Q: Do the seasons not change on Community Lots?
A: They do not. This is by design, as Sims do not age on Community Lots, the Seasons will similarly not progress. However, we have discovered a BUG that the season on Owned Community Lots is actually getting stuck on the season it was on the first time the player saves on that Lot, and never moves forward. This is not the correct behavior. The Owned Community Lot should be in the same season that the player was in when they last left their home lot every time they visit that Owned Community Lot. This will be addressed in a Seasons Patch.",root.1,item.43,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23