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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: straycat on 2007 March 09, 07:04:46

Title: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: straycat on 2007 March 09, 07:04:46
I have no idea if this is normal, a glitch, an annoyance, or plain karma. I searched but didn't find a similar thread.

One of my Sims, like all of my Sims, started out dancing goofily. His housemates pointed and  laughed at him, of course. Said Goofy Dancing Sim, after that experience, started giggling to himself. I thought the pointing and laughing and all that incessant giggling would stop as soon as he chalks up enough dance points to dance properly. All of my other Sims do fine in that respect. But this particular Sim, even after he has learned to dance like a pro, is still attracting other Sims (who have never seen him dance goofily) to point and laugh at him even when he isn't dancing and is just talking or cooking. He also can't seem to stop giggling to himself. I've been forced to turn off the sound. I've heard enough insane giggling to last a lifetime.

What's going on? XD

PS. My Seasons game is running fine. No weird stuff. =)

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 March 09, 09:08:26
Check his greenhouse. Sounds like good Simdrugs.


Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: aussieone on 2007 March 09, 09:11:57
Maybe he's high,festive or completely manic, who knows?  :P

Seriously though, IIRC, I've had sims giggle alot when they're in the red on their aspiration meter. I can't remember what aspiration they were though.

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: straycat on 2007 March 09, 09:51:30

But he was never in the red. I'm obsessive about making sure they stay happy. Really really really, unrealistically, happy.  =D

I just want the finger-pointing and giggling to stop. XD

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: witch on 2007 March 09, 10:08:09
Check his greenhouse. Sounds like good Simdrugs.


I am so waiting for the marijuana hack.  ;D Then I might run a seedy little business. Though I haven't worked out how to sell more than one piece of veg or fruit at a time.

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 March 09, 10:24:18 has marijuana plants (search for it, misspelled as 'canabis').

Don't know if you can sell it. Haven't played with it, yet.

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: nekonoai on 2007 March 09, 05:00:59
There's also the bong fix for the bubble blower. I can't remember which site I got that from though.

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 March 09, 05:09:30
Searching around, I found bongs are at Pandora Sims in the booty repository.

Again, haven't tested in game. See if those work for your game scenario / new OFB headshop. :)

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: nocomment on 2007 March 09, 08:28:01
straycat - I've heard of this happening before.  I don't think anyone every figured out why.

I suggest turning moveobjects on and deleting the sim.  Save and exit the lot.  When you return he will be reset.  This may fix the problem.

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: witch on 2007 March 09, 08:49:08
Cheers for the tips, no I mean when someone hacks the seasons plants to marijuana so sims actually have to grow it. I want to set up a basement with growing lights. Just like many houses in NZ have in RL.  8)

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: rohina on 2007 March 09, 08:58:48
I am shocked and horrified. I thought New Zealanders were clean-living healthy types who drank only milk and inhaled only fresh country air.  ;D

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: witch on 2007 March 09, 09:11:08
he he actually I was lying a bit, only city houses have to grow in basements, stuff grows like a weed anywhere else.

Clean living? Some do, I've been told. In all seriousness, NZ is not nearly so clean and green as we would like the rest of the world to believe.

We had a woman visit here a year or two back, reckoned she lived on fresh air. What a dick. She was a skinny neurotic type, but even so.

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2007 March 09, 15:39:18
I have a similar thing happening in one of my houses.  It started after one of the teens started dancing, and he was still inexperienced and fell down a few times.  The other sims started doing the finger circle around the ear thing ("He's crazy").

I play each lot for one sim day then move on until I've played them all, then move on to the next hood.  Next time I came back and played that house, the sims were ALL doing the "he's crazy" motion.  No one was dancing, no one was in asp failure.  I couldn't even remember which teen was the original target, because they ALL did it.

Next time I played that house, one of the teens was ready to send to Uni.  She gets to college, and she's still doing the "he's crazy" motion.  And for no reason in particular that I can find.

It seems that learning to dance is the common starting point for this behavior.  And I have all the EPs but Seasons.  This started after I got Pets, so maybe that's another bug feature of Pets?

And it's only the one family/household in only one hood of about 10 that I rotate through.  (I know, 10 is a lot, but at least I don't get bored!)

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: Marhis on 2007 March 09, 15:45:04
Seems like an emitter got stuck somehow, maybe forcing an error on objects off world?

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: straycat on 2007 March 09, 17:35:44
Thank God, Elvira, I'm not the only one with the weird problem. XD (Not that I wished anyone else the plague but I was beginning to wonder if I am hallucinating!)

I never had the problem before. I do have Pets and Seasons. (Every EP, no SP.) Although gameplay is not affected, I'm just so tired of seeing people pointing and laughing and giggling at my poor Sim. It's just that one Sim and house (although the other Sims will still do the point-and-laugh routine when he's visiting on a different lot) and I'm afraid to start a new family because I don't want to experience deja vu with this weird glitch. XD 

Title: Re: Sim giggling all the time? What's wrong with him!?
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2007 March 10, 16:59:41
The odd thing is that you have one sim who gets laughed at all the time, no matter where s/he is, and in my game it's this whole family, and they do it no matter where they are!  Kind of the same problem in reverse.

Just got seasons today (Circuit City sale!), still have to do the "check all households" thing before I backup and install, but I'm curious to see of the usual EP install reset will get rid of this.  If not, then I'll try the force error on off-world and see if that works.

If not, because I only get around to a household about once every two weeks, it hasn't started bugging me yet, and I get an occasional laugh!  I'm sure it'll get old after awhile, though.