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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sara_dippity on 2007 March 08, 20:54:00

Title: Hey, what was the formal clothes hack?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2007 March 08, 20:54:00
Pardon me, I haven't had a computer since April, and I can't remember right, too old for brain to function. Wasn't there something where you could force townies to wear formal clothes on community lots, or swim clothes? I'm sure it isn't updated yet, but I want to keep my eye out. Yup, just one eye.

Hey wait a minute! You can set weather in sub-neighborhoods, right? Oh, so you could make a dessert area for downtown and community lots there could be beaches and it could always be summer with forced swimsuits. That would be fun. Before I only used the formal option for fine dining establishments.

Title: Re: Hey, what was the formal clothes hack?
Post by: amjoie on 2007 March 08, 21:07:43
Are you looking for TwoJeffs community Visitor Controller? Read about that, and see if it is what you want.

Title: Re: Hey, what was the formal clothes hack?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2007 March 08, 21:09:45
Ahhh, yes, it is.