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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: trudy on 2007 March 08, 13:17:26

Title: Adjust seasons on 1 lot
Post by: trudy on 2007 March 08, 13:17:26
I play my hood each house 1 day at a time so they all are in the same season. But unused or new houses will automaticaly start with season 1. That bugs me, because the seasons get out of sync if I move someone. Is there a way to adjust this already?

Title: Re: Adjust seasons on 1 lot
Post by: Weaver on 2007 March 08, 13:34:51
There's a new Weather Machine aspiration reward able to modify seasons for periods of time including permanently.
A modded buyable version is available here (

Title: Re: Adjust seasons on 1 lot
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 March 08, 16:52:58
And Paladin over at simwardrobe has a 'weather adjuster' object that's buyable and does the same.

Title: Re: Adjust seasons on 1 lot
Post by: trudy on 2007 March 08, 22:14:11
thanx :-)